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Early in the morning, after Samuel left for work and all the servants had finished their work, Kali prepared to leave the house. She made plans with June to drive her around the city and spend the day with her before she returned home to pack her things.

She pushed down on the button that controlled the mechanical gate. Before she could start the car, her eyes caught the rear-view mirror, and she noticed a familiar car driving in. First, disbelief rendered her speechless, frozen with her hands on the wheel. The car drove in further and parked behind her own. Flabbergasted, she got down from her car at the same time Richard did.

"Hello, Kali."

"Get out." She whispered under her breath. Richard got closer, reaching out to touch her arm. She shoved his hand away, standing her ground and speaking with more confidence. "Get out of here. I don't want you anywhere near me. How dare you come to my house."

"Your house. How easily you fit in here, right? But you and I know that you don't belong here. No one loves you here? No one wants you here. You should be where those things are available to you."

"I should go with you?" she shoved him, menacingly stalking closer to him, her face twisted in a grimace. "Homewrecker. I am not surprised. It's what you do best. Surely, I am more enticing to you now that I wear a ring and have a husband."

"It's not like that. I told you my relationship with Ysabel ended a long time ago. She is just bitter and filled with poison."

"Then you must have strong constitutions because you have survived her for so long."

"Kali, I didn't come here to fight. I want to talk."

"What should we talk about? All the talking between us is over. We are done. I don't want to see you, not even as a picture. Please, leave and stay out of my life."

"All of a sudden, I mean so little to you?"

She scoffed. "How egotistic you can get sometimes. Wait, no, all the time."

"It's not about my ego. I find it shocking how quickly you threw everything about us aside. I thought we loved each other. At least I know that I love you."

"Love? Look where your love has landed me, Richard. Look!" She gestured towards the house, turning to look at it herself. "Don't you like my prison. It is glorious." She spun and flashed him her rings. "Don't you like my chains? They are top-grade. And the length of my sentence, indefinite."

"We can be together in this. You don't have to suffer alone because of Ysabel. You can share everything with me."

"Thanks, but that's why I have my husband. You see Samuel is a real gem. The only, and I mean the only solace I have in this beautiful paradise you and your lover constructed for me."

"You want me to believe things are easy between the two of you? With him loving another woman and you being the reason he can't be with her."

"Think whatever you like, but do it away from my house."

Richard launched at her, gripping her arms. "You may hate me, but all I want to do is help you. I want to save you. You know that I love you."

"What do I know? What do I know?"

"I love you. I want to help you."

"And where were you when I might have needed rescuing? Where were you when I walked down that aisle like I was approaching the gallows to be hanged? Where were you when my whole life went to hell because of your stupidity, your selfishness? Where?!"

"She threatened me too. She threatened to ruin me if I lifted a finger to help. Forgive me. I had to play along. Just like you. Just like Samuel."

"Don't you dare mention my husband's name. Don't you dare use him because you have not suffered half of what he has had to endure."

"Ysabel played all of us, Kali. She planned it all to her own advantage. My hands were tied."

"And you, ever the coward, apparently, folded your arms and let the hammer fall on Samuel and me."

"What could I have done?"

"Anything! Richard, you could have done anything." Her voice cracked. "I have no doubt she told you about the wedding, even if it was to gloat about her victory. You could have reached out and tried to plan something to save me. Anything. I never received a single call from you. Not one! And now you want to be, what, my knight in shining armour?"

"I know you think I abandoned you, but let me explain how things happened."

"That's just it. There is no explanation that will be justification enough for all I had, am, and will go through in the hands of your dear lover. She hates me. And in this fight, her fight, I am powerless."

He held her gaze, and she held back the tears in her eyes. Her hands slapped lifelessly beside her as she stared up at him. It was like the energy had been sucked right out of her bones. Even her voice grew timid and cold.

"So, tell me, Richard, who has paid the higher price for your silence? Who has suffered more for your secrets." He looked away, and a tear fell off her lashes to her cheeks. "Something tells me there is more to come for me, yet you will be there on the sidelines. Free from all of it."


"Go and enjoy your freedom. The freedom you bought at the price of mine. Leave my house. And if I see you here again, I will call the police. I swear. I will raise hell. Get out."

"One day, maybe you'll forgive me. I know that I still hold a special place in your heart. And when you get tired of being with a man who doesn't love you, remember I am there for you."

Richard left with a promise of seeing her again. He drove off and she let out a long breath of relief, sagging against the door of her car. 

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