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Kali left the gallery for the garden in search of Samuel. He had disappeared for a while, and she soon began to worry about him. So, she walked through the maze of hedges and colourful flowers, whispering his name.

"Kali?" She finally heard.

She followed his voice around another wall of plants before she saw him. Relieved, Kali ran to him, throwing herself into his arms and laughing.

"What's wrong?"

"You left the party and didn't say a word. Then I didn't see you for almost an hour. Of course, I was worried."

"Sorry." He kissed her hand, then her cheek. "I needed a break, and you looked happy walking with Ember. I didn't think I'd be gone for that long."

"Is it your mother again."

"Oh, yeah. Even I have a breaking point, I have to admit. I left before I said or did something I'd regret. I promised my dad I'd be here for the whole thing. If not, I'd have left a long time ago."

"What now?"

"You know my grandfather is ill again, right?"

"Yes. He looked quite bad at your birthday dinner, but I thought he was recovering."

"At this point, we have a running joke that he is flipping the Grim Reaper off everyday. One foot in the grave and one foot with us. Despite being weak and close to death, he is determined to hold his power over our heads, especially my mother's head. First, he wanted grandkids, and now he wants..." He scoffed. "He wants great-grandkids. And the only one of his grandchildren that's in a relationship, that's married..."

"Shoot. It's you." He groaned, and she doubled over with laughter. "Come on. Let's sit. I think this is going to be long."

"The grass."

She shrugged as she lowered herself down. "The dress would decrease my discomfort. Come on."

He held her hand and helped her down to the grass. When he was sure she was comfortable, he joined her, sitting close to her. He draped his suit jacket over her shoulders to help with the chill of the night.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. This is fine. Tell me. What happened next?"

He shoved his hair back and looked at her apologetically. "He went on and on about wishing I was married to Flora instead because he would have preferred I had children...with...her. It was really awkward, and I don't want to get into all the nonsense he said about you. I am so sorry."

"I keep reminding you, I don't really care. Go on."

"He said beggars can't be choosers, and since I am married to you, he would like us to have a child and soon because he is dying. It's funny; he says that a lot, yet he is here every new year, so I don't see his hurry. Mom heard him. When he left, she came over and gave me a piece of her mind. She seems to be doing that all night tonight."

"Let me guess, she was enthused with the idea."

"If she could vomit, I think she would've. She made it clear that she didn't care what my grandfather wanted and demanded that I don't commit the stupidity of...in her own words, 'impregnating th-'"

"The cheap whore?"

He winced and shook his head. "No."

"Golddigger?" She tried again, and he nodded. "Yes!"

"Don't make light of it. She is appalling. Her anger is unjustified. She can never blame herself, so she will never accept that she made all this happen. I begged her, you know? When she first asked me to marry you and break up with Flora. I begged her not to make me do it. She said no. Then I begged her to only have me break up with her and not make me marry some stranger. She said no. She set the rules. I had to follow, or Flora went to jail. I did what she wanted, and now she hates me for it."

"She doesn't hate you for it. She despises that we have become the way we are. It seems no matter how we try to hide our relationship, she notices. I bet you she was banking on your love for Flora. She hoped it would make it hard for you to see me as anything but an obstacle to your happiness."

"She said she'd destroy me and Flora if I ever got you pregnant. I've warned her to stop doing that. To stop holding Flora's freedom over my head."

"Don't listen to her. She is getting desperate. Whatever her big plan is, it has either succeeded or failed. You heard her. She said I shouldn't get comfortable because the time is coming when she'd ask us to divorce. Being pregnant would ruin her plan."

"You really think it's coming to an end? Her plan?"

"I do. That's why she probably lost her head at your grandfather's suggestion. If we start a relationship, she can still break us up, no problem. A child means that, no matter what happens, I'd be tied to your family forever. I'd be at every family function. The kid would be part of a will. You'll probably pay child support and come to birthdays and graduations. It would be a nightmare for her."

"I don't want to divorce you."

The words were so sudden, and the fixation of his eyes on her face so jarring she forgot how to speak for a moment. Only looked at him, noting his shyness in admitting what he did, but with no signs of regret. Even though he whispered the words, they felt heavy and loud.

"She can't make me. No matter what she hangs on my head. She can't make me."

Kali blinked rapidly, her breath shaking. "Samuel."

"I know." He replied. "I know. I don't promise you much, and I can't. I know. But I mean this. If we don't make it. If we break up. I want it to be because we failed and we couldn't, not because of her. My mother had a say in a lot of things, but this is on us. She would never have a say in us. I promise you that."

Don't make me love you more.

She thought sadly, stretching her hand out to caress the side of his face. He was sincere. She could hear it. She could see it, but it still broke her heart. He couldn't promise her the one thing she wanted, which was to have his love for herself. He said so himself, he couldn't do it yet, but she wanted that.

His hand covered hers. "It doesn't matter what my grandfather wants. It doesn't matter what my mother wants. Child or no child. This is on us. You and me. This is our relationship, and we get to say what will happen with it."

"This is on us."

She nodded sadly, knowing at that moment that she'd take it. She'd take half of everything. His heart, his love, his loyalty. She'd take half and earn the rest.

With tears falling down her face, she kissed him, deep and long. Her hands bracketing his face. She had worked hard for less. As she kissed him, she promised herself that he would come to love her completely. In the end, Samuel Madden would love her with everything in his heart.

"This is on us." She promised him back, her smile bright despite the tears. 

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