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"Do you believe her?"



"I feel like the apology was more for your father than anyone else in that room." Kali sighed, shuffling to get comfortable as she adjusted her body beneath his jacket. "Giovanna loves and respects him. She probably sees him as an innocent party in the game she is trying to uncover."

"I just hope she doesn't get any ideas and tries something else later."

"She might. I am willing to bet she will watch me like a hawk from now on. Probably waiting for a slip that proves she was right all along."

"Unless my mother says something, she will never find the proof. We didn't sign any contracts she can accidentally stumble upon if she wanted to snoop around."

"She wouldn't have to snoop for papers. Your mother has a nasty habit of pulling me aside whenever she wants to discuss our little arrangement. I wouldn't be surprised if Giovanna starts hanging behind doors with her ears pressed to the wood."

Samuel chuckled. "I can see that happening. I only hope she keeps it to herself this time. You might be right about my grandfather. If he gets a whiff of what Giovanna is cooking, he will be the one person to lend her the ear she wants."

Kali touched his arm, and he spared her a glance. "Are you sure we don't want this?"

"Want what?"

"For more people to ask questions. I know you are considering your mother's reaction, but if everyone turns against her?"

"She still has herself. My mother has her ways, and even with the world against her, she would find a way to come out on top."

"Resourceful." Kali sighed. "She is resourceful. Is it wrong to say I don't know what your father sees in her?"

"In truth, neither do I. But, after years of watching them, I came to the conclusion that he loves her more than himself. I think the only people he loves even more are us."

Kali didn't say anything. She stared at the dashboard absently. Samuel knew how much the party had stressed her. He didn't forget their conversation in the bathroom, but he didn't want to make her relieve any emotion she wasn't ready to address. A lot happened in such a short period of time, first his grandfather, Kali's mini-breakdown, and then Giovanna's half-baked apology.

Samuel was sad for Kali. If tonight proved anything, it was how much she needed to keep up appearances. No one came and asked him to defend his relationship with her. No one accused him of being a bad influence and leaving one woman to marry another in such a short time. All the blame and judgment fell at her feet, like hail crashing during the storms. Between the both of them, she carried the most weight.

"Your family can be beautiful," Kali whispered. She hadn't turned to him. Her eyes remained on an unknown object on the windshield. "At the dinner, I thought, if I took your mother out of the picture, forgot Giovanna's attitude, and your grandfather's cruel words, you looked beautiful."

There was a lot wrong with his family than that, but he got her point. "Sometimes it's easy to fight and forget why we love each other. When we take a break from the fighting, my heart forgets, and I enjoy myself too."

"It was physically uncomfortable to watch all of you today. The laughing, the teasing and the playful banter. I thought I was going to throw up at some point."

"Was it that bad for you? You can't possibly enjoy watching us fight all the time."

"I don't watch you fight. What usually happens is I get verbally attacked, and I defend myself. This time, no one tried to get one over on me. Everyone was...happy." Her breath shivered out, and she looked at her fingers.

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