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Kali sat in her bed later in the evening, reading a book while she waited for Samuel to return from his run. The desire to tell him about everything that happened with Richard was strong, but fear of his reaction held her back. Since she mentioned him a few times, she noted his unease even when he tried to appear comprehensive of their situation. He was, after all, still married to the ex-girlfriend of his mother's lover.

Nervous, she dropped the book and began deftly massaging the knot in her shoulder. She was relatively calmer when the bedroom door opened, and a sweaty Samuel stepped into the room. He smiled at her in greeting, peeling the earbuds out of his ears and unzipping the thick jacket he wore.

"How was your run?"


"Can I talk to you about something after you shower?" She jumped into it before she could talk herself out of it.

"Sure thing. Give me a minute."

Kali relaxed back on the pillows while he walked to the bathroom. She placed the book on her bedside table and waited for Samuel to finish. It took some time, but he returned to the room after his shower, shaking a towel over his damp hair. After draping the towel over the closest seat, he joined her on the bed.

"Right." He crossed his feet and perched his elbows on his knees. "What did you want to talk to me about? Did something happen with Ember?"

"No. Everything went swimmingly at the apartment, except for one incident."


"Richard cornered me at the apartment today. He saw me go in and thought it was a good idea to try and talk to me. Ember was this close," she held her thumb and forefinger millimetres apart. "This close to catching him with me."

Tight-lipped Samuel asked, "what did he want?"

"The same thing he wanted when he came to our house a month back." His eyes widened in surprise. "I managed to kick him out and warned him never to return."

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because we weren't on the best of terms. We had barely gotten out of the previous fight, and I didn't feel confident sharing it with you."

"What did he want."

Kali couldn't read him. He looked agitated, his fingers curling tightly around each other, and his face had hardened since they started talking. But she couldn't tell if he was angry with the incidents or her earlier silence.

"He claimed he wanted to fix things between us and help me get revenge on your mother for what she did to me. He asked me to give him another chance, swearing that he was suffering just as much, if not more, than I was."

"Do you believe him?"

"I have stopped believing anything he says to me. Richard is a coward. That much, I don't doubt. He's telling me what he thinks I want to hear to make me more amicable to his situation."

"Did he say anything else? Did you guys fight?"

"No, well, yes." She hesitated, looking away as she muttered, "he kissed me."

Samuel stared, then awkwardly averted his eyes as he scratched the base of his neck in thought. Kali wasn't in a rush to add anything else to the story. She sat and waited for Samuel to construct whatever thoughts he had on the situation.

"I can't hold anything against you. I understand that even if he hurt you, there are residual feelings between you two."

Kali, flabbergasted, gaped at Samuel, wondering how he managed to choke out every line of what she believed was meant to be reassuring. She didn't need reassurance. She needed him to understand that she wanted nothing to do with Richard. She had no interest in having him anywhere near her.

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