katheryne's special commission

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Paimon and Aether have been traveling all around Teyvat for a very long time until they decided to finally visit Liyue for a short time. They heard that Katheryne had a rather specific and special commission for them. One that only they could do, but she didn't tell them what kind of a quest it was until they arrived at Liyue Harbor's adventurer's guild. 

It was very quiet and not that many citizens or Millelith were around. "Finally some peace for once." Thought Aether to himself while rolling his eyes. Neither of them could get much rest from all the people they were helping. Wherever they would go somebody would stop them and ask for help. That said the traveler was looking really annoyed and pissed off when they stood in front of Katheryne who was about to ask for help like everybody else.

"Hello, Katheryne! We heard you have a special quest for us today!" Said Paimon in her usual cheerful tone. Sometimes it was really confusing how she could stay cheerful at all times.

"Yes. Indeed. I do have yet another commission. But It's best we discuss it in private." Started Katheryne looking rather concerned for some odd reason.

"Huh??? Private? But it's already so quiet here Paimon is starting to feel like we're the only people here!!" Complained the floating thing, but before she could say another thing Katheryne started explaining how she can't tell them what it was about yet, then she dragged her and Aether to Wangshu Inn. They all stayed quiet until the blonde boy finally talked.

"You didn't have to drag us all the way here you know?" He was clearly more pissed off than he was before. Always just getting dragged everywhere without anybody asking him how he felt about all that.

But soon that anger and annoyance turned into concern. At the Wangshu Inn, Zhongli was standing there looking as concerned as the girl that dragged them there was. What in the name of all seven archons was happening?

Katheryne suddenly disappeared leaving them alone to talk. She had no business in any of this.

"Paimon." Started Morax. Trying to gain her attention. "As much as I know you both are amazing and very trustworthy traveling partners who have been going on numerous adventures together and don't keep anything from each other, I want me and Aether to discuss this matter alone."

Paimon glared at him. "Huh? But why? Do you think Paimon would not understand the kind of stuff you guys are about to discuss?! Is it something Paimon is not aware of?!"

Traveler placed his hand on his companion's shoulder and whispered "I think you should go to our teapot for now. This must be serious, seeing the lord of Geo himself ask for something doesn't seem normal."

Paimon sighed but accepted it and said her goodbyes before getting inside their teapot home to leave them to talk.

"So, what is this 'special' quest you have for me?" Started aether curiously. Normally he always had Paimon to help him with quests. Meaning this might be a little different than the stuff he usually does.

"Traveler. Xiao has been supposedly missing for two weeks. Nobody heard a word from him, the people of Liyue are starting to feel worried without him guarding the nation and protecting people like he usually does. A large number of people reported him missing to our adventure's guild. This never happened before..."

Aether crossed his arms exhaustedly and after a short pause continued. "But what does that have to do with me, why don't you find him? You're an archon after all surely you would know where he could've gone." He was curious and concerned about what happened to his friend but still very exhausted.

"I have other matters to attend to. Not to mention you're the only person he has proper conversations with nowadays. And that little bit of trust you both have could possibly help you find him, Traveler. He and I haven't spoken a word for quite some time." Said the lord of geo coldly as ever looking at Aether trying to hide his worry. A person like him shouldn't worry too much. "Please Aether. I kindly ask of you. Please find our  Yaksha alive and bring him here safely before something bad happens to him."

"Okay fine I accept your commission, I'll do the best I can. But I do have one final question"

"If it's about Paimon I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself."

The traveler was quite smart so he immediately understood. Xiao didn't really like Paimon a lot, he would act very uncomfortable around her. Assuming it was from how loud she was, it also annoyed Aether from time to time. She just wouldn't stop talking, the poor guy needed space sometimes.

After Zhongli left, Aether decided to go search a small lake outside of Liyue harbor. The Adeptus mentioned once when they were alone that he often goes there to clear his mind out of karmic depth and other personal matters bothering him. The sounds of the water there sure are relaxing and not so many people knew about it. Perhaps it was the only place xiao Could be for such a long time. The traveler was quite worried he never left his home nation for this long.

Soon the blonde boy took off and went to the place the Yaksha mentioned.

Aether was right. When he arrived at the lake he saw Xiao. But he wasn't looking too good. He was sitting on the ground with his face on his knees, curled up like a ball. Meanwhile, his polearm was broken in half laying on the floor all dirty. There was also blood coming out of the yaksha's forehead. He looked truly destroyed like somebody had been beating him up for days.

"Xiao!" screamed Aether running towards him at a very fast speed. What if he was close to death? "xiao what on earth happened to you?" There was no response. Only a simple glance with eyes full of pain, sadness, and anger. "are you....crying?" Asked Aether as the Adeptus finally looked at him.

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