Awakening |||

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More days passed and the deadline was only getting closer. The two boys decided to stay in the Teapot the entire time since they had no motivation to go anywhere. Xiao was afraid of something happening meanwhile Aether thought he was scared of him and decided not to talk as much or suggest going anywhere. There was no doubt the Yaksha already knew about the entire thing regarding his lover's new abilities.

Another boring day arrived and the traveler was sleeping on his side of the bed. He seemed to be in a deep slumber until he felt something pinch his cheek lightly. It instantly woke him up.

His boyfriend was kneeling next to the bed trying to wake him up. It wasn't usual of him to do something like that so of course the blonde was wide awake.

Throughout these couple more days the two haven't been as romantic with each other. The Adeptus decided that it was enough with the awkwardness.

"Good morning, Xiao...Is something wrong?" The blonde said while lazily rubbing his eyes and yawning.

The boy got up from the floor and smiled.

"Get ready. I'm taking you somewhere today."


"With that much power, it only makes sense that you try to control it. Having it grow inside you without doing anything could be dangerous. Grab your blade if you need it and we're heading outside the teapot." Stated the Yaksha. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"So you noticed..."

The traveler expected his partner to find out sooner or later. But he wasn't expecting this kind of reaction. He wanted to decline but after seeing that smile on Xiao's face his heart skipped a couple of beats. He couldn't say no to that. Perhaps they could also find some time to talk about stuff today.

"I've noticed a long time ago. You shouldn't be underestimating an Adep-" He was silenced when a pair of lips decided to keep him shut. His lover quickly got up and decided to kiss him. He didn't wanna hear another one of those words. The Yaksha was close enough to be a human at that point. He shouldn't be comparing himself with other creatures who barely have any emotion.

Xiao was taken back by the kiss, it made him freeze for some seconds before going to head out of the traveler's room to give him privacy to change.

"Wait, Xiao."

He turned back to see what his lover wanted.

"Make sure you bring a spear you won't mind breaking." Teased the blonde in a half-jokingly half serious tone.

To that the Adeptus just rolled his eyes and headed out of the room to wait at the door. He was planning to see what his boyfriend was capable of. He didn't mind if all the spears he kept broke as long as it helped Aether with training. If he managed to gain full control of the powers then an apocalypse might not occur.

But even if that happened there was still one last problem. Istaroth also mentioned how he messed with time and created all different kinds of worlds. That part made no sense.

Some minutes passed and the blonde came out of the room without any weapons. It was strange but it seemed like the safest option. With a weapon, he could be far too strong for the Yaksha to handle. No one really knew how strong he had gotten.

"So where are we going? It's not too far is it?"

"It is. But I could teleport us if you want..."

"Tell me the exact location. I could try testing out how my teleporting skills work. I doubt there would be any major problems other than arriving at the wrong place." Aether suggested.

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