Second chance

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Aether stared into his lover's amber eyes. He said the words "I love you." Over a billion times throughout their relationship. Yet again, he couldn't blame Xiao for thinking the opposite. He pushed the boy's face away from his and finally responded after what felt like forever.

"Leave if you think I don't love you." He said with a stern voice.

"...You know I can't leave right now."

The blonde lifted his hand and pointed at what seemed like the thinnest wall in the cave. A golden glow surrounded it. Xiao looked at it and then back at the boy below him.

"My powers have recovered enough for me to make a small opening in the cave for you to escape. Nothing is stopping you. Go and never return if you think I don't love you."

As expected of the boy on top. He didn't do or say anything other than grab his partner's hand and put it down causing the glow on the wall to disappear.

Aether smiled and quickly stood up while picking the Yaksha up with him. He spun around a few times while holding him tightly. Xiao stared at him wondering what on earth he was doing.

"Put me down, this isn't funny!" The Adeptus yelled. Despite being so determined to be put down, his hands wouldn't let go of the other's shoulders. He looked down at his boyfriend with a mad look on his face.

In response, the traveler just couldn't stop laughing. He continued walking around the cave while spinning around in circles, watching Xiao with this adorable look of anger on his face made him happy.

They went on until the traveler accidentally hit one of the huge crystals that lit up the whole room. The two boys were on the floor, same position as a few seconds prior. Aether hasn't stopped smiling the whole way.

"What was the point of that...!?" The Yaksha asked feeling dumbfounded.

"You look cute when you're mad."

"But why-... ah forget it..." Xiao didn't even want to try to understand why his partner did that. He got off him and took a few steps away while turning his back to his lover. He didn't want Aether to see how flushed his face had gotten.

Seeing how the blonde was able to pick him up so easily made him feel even weaker than before. Sure, he could also hold Aether but only for a short period of time. It oddly felt nice spinning around in the air. He wouldn't have complained if he hadn't gotten so embarrassed about it.

However, Aether felt happier than before for some reason. As if he finally found an answer to a question he had been trying to answer for a long time. He stood up once more and walked towards his lover, wrapping his arms around him from behind.

"Aether..." Xiao whispered.

"This cave looks beautiful now that I take a closer look at it. The crystals really bring out your eyes..." The blonde Complimented.

"Your eyes are practically glowing." The other boy blurted out.

"So that's why you were staring so intensely earlier...hah I guess these crystals are magical."

The Adeptus then turned to face his lover and hugged him back. The glow from the crystals was slowly beginning to hurt his eyes so he just closed them.

"Are you not going to tell me where you were?" He asked one last time, knowing he most likely won't be getting an answer.

Aether grabbed his face and started looking nervous. Xiao had never seen him act this way before so of course he got worried and just stared waiting for an explanation. Was he about to stay clueless about his boyfriend's whereabouts once again?

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