Resting V

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The sun had slowly started to go down, people were heading home before it got too dark, the Heyu teahouse owner and workers slowly started closing down the place. And so did the other shop owners. Everyone was heading to their home to get a good sleep and rest for the night, everyone except the two boys who were out walking the entire day. Neither of them got tired of the constant walking and talking.

Xiao couldn't be happier, the feelings he had been trying to bottle away for a long time were now finally returned. The blonde boy was more than his friend now. After months of denial the Yaksha had realized he was deeply in love.

Aether was also feeling quite happy, despite the injury from his previous battle, and the loss of his sister. He was over the moon. It took him a long time until he had realized what his journey actually meant to him, finding his sister was just a small step to actually starting the real adventure. The people he met are the reason he dosen't feel any more guilt for stabbing her to death.

The two lovers were holding hands while admiring the sunset infront of them. It was a beatiful sight, any sight in Liyue was beatiful. This entire walk seemed to have really cleared out the traveler's head. All of the injured almost felt as if they never existed, he completley had forgotten about them the entire time.

"Aether..." started the Adeptus with a smile on his face.


"Are we in a 'relationship' now? If that's what you mortals like to call it..." He asked while looking away in embarrassment, the boy wasn't used to love at all. All of this was brand new to him, he had never even been in a relationship nor had any close friendships until he met the blonde boy. Ever since they've met, a light had came into the Yaksha's world. For once he saw hope in life.

"If you're okay with being with somebody like me, then yes...we are in a relationship." Aether held his hand tighter than he was before, he wanted his boyfriend to know he was loved.

"Any living being in this world would be very lucky to have you, you're an amazing person...everything about you is perfect...your eyes...your smile,'ll never understand the feelings I start getting in my chest when im around you."

"You flatter me...Xiao."

The traveler then proceeded to let go off his lover's hand. He sat on the edge of the bright red terrace to get a better view of the sunset that was slowly going to dissapear any second. Something about the tonight's sunset felt different, it was more gentle and warm. It felt different than the usual sunset going down in Liyue. The Adeptus leaned on his side of the terrace next to the boy.

" about we forget about all the bad things that have happened? Everyone else seems to have gotten their memories erased after we got rid of the Abyss. What if we pretend nothing ever happened at all? We could imagine that...our sad memories never even existed and it was all just one bad dream. We could make new happier memories! Ones without traumatic events." Suggested the traveler, he felt as if the entire Teyvat had calmed down, with only slimes and some weak beings around as enemies now, there was surley no need to fight as much anymore. He felt as if it was now time to quit being in an emotional crisis at all times.

" matter how hard you can try, you'll never be able to forget the events that had already happened. Only way to not think about them so much is distraction...but they will still come back haunting you down some day."

"You're right, we'll never forget the loss of our siblings. But we can choose to ignore it and move on with life."

Xiao sighed, his boyfriend couldn't tell if it was an annoyed sigh or a sigh of relief. But either way it didn't seem as if he was too mad. The Adeptus stared at the sun, as it finally hid behind the huge mountains that were covering it every evening. It was starting to get way darker outside now, it was crazy how quickly the sun hides when it's winter time. Normally it didn't snow in Liyue because of a seal the Geo Archon put around it, but it still felt a little cold.

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