Unfinished journey |||

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The traveled had woken up, it was now his third day in the Bubu Pharmacy under the care of doctor Baizhu. The moment his eyes opened he noticed that the all the pain and headaches seemed to be completley gone. He was able to move without any issues, when trying to stand up he noticed that he was able to walk properly again. After all that worrying, all it took was three days for his body to heal.

The first thing Aether did was try to look for Baizhu and tell him the good news, Bubu Pharmacy wasn't too big so finding him shouldn't be an issue. He walked over to the front desk only to find a short purple haired girl sleeping there while sitting on the counter, the moment she heard the blonde boy's foot steps she woke up.

"Ah...it's you!" Qiqi seemed to remember the traveler, she always had a horrible memory and hard time remembering people, it was only Baizhu and a couple of Adepti that she remembered, it seemed like that now the boy was stuck to her memory.

"Goodmorning Qiqi, I hope you slept well. Do you know where I could find Baizhu? It's very urgent."

"Oh...Baizhu...hmmmmm... He told Qiqi that he will be doing some important work and won't come back until later today...I'm sorry."

"Ah, I understand. If he comes back while I'm gone tell him that I've healed and headed out for a walk." Aether wrote that on a paper and gave it to the little girl to not forget. She took it and nodded, agreeing to do as he requested.

The blonde boy was planning to go on a walk to get some fresh air and feel some sun light, even though he was out just last night, it still didn't feel like enough. At least this time he will be able to walk using his own legs.

Going out without the doctor's permission was a stupid idea but what could a mortal possibly do to stop him. Before going out he looked at himself in one of the mirrors that was kept on the walls, he expected himself to look like a mess but it was actually quite the opposite. The bandages may have looked a bit disgusting but other than that his physical look was in an amazing state, surpsingly even after all that beating up he managed to look good.

Aether expected seeing his hair full of dirt and messed up, tons of bruises over his body, eyebags, and lots of other stuff. But none of it was like his expectations, which was a good thing. He didn't really understand how he healed that fast but he didn't really care as long as he was able to walk.

"Your hair...It's pretty..." said Qiqi while glaring at his beatiful, long, golden hair.

"Thank you." That made the traveler smile for the first time in a while.

"...I can understand why Alatus likes you so much...he always talks about you and your golden hair...!"

"I'm sorry, who?" He had never heard such name before, maybe the girl had confused it with somebody else.

"You know...! The guy...who took you out last night...he told me not to tell Baizhu anything about him taking you outside...Qiqi is sure his name was Alatus..."

The boy felt a little embarrassed that the child with purple hair had noticed them last night.

"Xiao you mean?" He questioned, seeing Qiqi call him Alatus was starnge, everyone called him Xiao. Maybe it was some nickname the girl had for him, but it sounded too long and strange to be a nickname.


Aether decided not to think much of the name 'Alatus' and brush it off as a small mistake made by the kid. It sounded like a beautiful name, even if it was something made up.

But hold up.

'Xiao talks about me to her? He mentions me to a child he barely even knows? Or maybe he knows her more than I'm aware of...Ah i really shouldn't be surprised." Thought the boy to himself while spacing out.

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