Arrival |

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The second the two boys arrived in Sumeru, they didn't wanna waste any more time. Immediately they headed to the house of Daena where the dendro archon usually spent her free time at. There was a small chance she was actually there but it was worth checking. Being the God of a nation of wisdom wasn't easy, unlike other gods, lesser lord Kusanali was always busy helping her people out.

She liked helping them deal with issues, she saw her people more as friends than as her believers. That was the main reason the little girl was one of Aether's favorite gods among the seven. She was the purest and nicest one of them.

As for her people, they all adored her. Sumeru seemed to be a really peaceful nation.

The traveler tried opening the door of the dendro archon's place but it seemed locked. He knocked a few times, thinking she was just locking in case of possible intruders.

Eventually a boy with a huge hat opened the door, looking really pissed off. But the moment he locked eyes with the blonde his gaze softened. He took one look at him and then at the boy standing next to him.

"You got some nerve showing up here after so long." The mysterious boy said with an annoyed grin.

"Hello to you too. I'm surprised you're still helping out Nahida, good for you." Responded the traveler looking even more annoyed.

Xiao could sense a very weird tension between the two, it seemed like they didn't get along too well. They looked like they wanted to brutally murder eachother.

"I'm only doing it to repay my debt. Don't tell me you came all the way here to mess with me, did you miss me that much?"

"Do you know where the dendro archon might be? We don't have time for chit chat." The Yaksha joined in the the conversation after the flirtatious comment the boy made.

"Oh? And who may you be?"

"Wanderer quit it. Can you tell us where Nahida is?"

Scaramouche was taken back by the sudden seriousness. He and the traveler weren't friends but barely acquaintances, he despised mortals as much as the Adeptus used to, but yet again, he still trusted the blonde.

"She's busy dealing with some business regarding dreams again. She should be back soon. Come with me. You can wait inside for the meantime."

The boy with a hat then got back inside the house of Daena, as he signed for the two to follow him.

As Aether was about to enter, he felt a hand grab his arm pulling him back, by that time the door of the house has already closed and the boy couldn't see the two anymore. He understood how slow the blonde was sometimes so he didn't bother to check up on them.

The traveler turned around to see his partner with a very concerned look in his eyes. He knew that look too well. Any friend of his that met Scaramouche before had that exact same look.



"Are you sure that guy can be trusted? He seems sketchy. How come somebody like him has connections to the god of wisdom?" Questioned the Yaksha, refusing to go through the big green door.

"It's alright. He's not as mean as he forces himself to be, lesser lord Kusanali wouldn't trust somebody if they weren't trustworthy."

Xiao looked to the ground and walked infront of his lover, opening the door to reveal a huge room surrounded with green emeralds. The sight amazed the boy, his eyes gained a spark once they witnessed such beautiful place.

Lots of strange devices were laying around, it seems like Nahida kept herself busy making new safe devices for her people to try out. She liked seeing what her powers could do, one of her biggest hobbies besides spying on the traveler was definitely creating devices.

The Spark [Xiao x Aether]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat