Figuring yourself out |

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This was a rather interesting moment indeed, Xiao never asked for this much help of Aether, but how could the blonde boy possibly refuse when he saw the state he was in back then. If something like that happened again the Yaksha would surely lose it and leave Teyvat like his brothers and sisters did.

"I'd understand if you say n-"

"I'll gladly help you out, tell me what I can do." The Adeptus got cut off by immediate response of agreement which really surprised him.

"It could possibly cause you troubles. It might cause me some aswell, but regardless of that I want you to spend some weeks living and fighting with me before I return to do my daily duties a guardian of Liyue." Aether got up and leaned against the other side of the tree his companion was sitting under before finally speaking about his thoughts about helping him.

"It won't be a problem for me but I'm curious, why exactly did you pick me, Why do you think my presence will help you understand emotions better?"

"Ever since I've first laid my eyes on you I've noticed the change that started happening in my mind, I've mentioned before how my karmic debt was getting less and less painful, I wanna test the theory If it's actually related to you or not." These words made the traveler smile. It was unfortunate that the tree was too big and xiao couldn't see the smile that appeared on his face when he said that.  The reason to the grin was no other than the Yaksha's words sounding like Aether was someone special to him.

"Does this mean you finally admit that you're more than just an emotionless fighting machine?" Jokingly teased the blonde boy.

"We'll see how it goes."

Soon after that conversation they both went quiet for a couple of minutes. The Adeptus wanted to calm down his nerves meanwhile his companion did not want to bother him, enough tears were shed from him that night.

While Xiao was still resting on the old tree the traveler decided to send a message to Paimon and Lumine that he will be unavailable for some time. He got up and went to search for a bird or other creature that could deliver a message to them. It was hard finding any living being at the location he was at. Not many animals would come to chill behind a huge building that used to have tons of people running around. It being abandoned made it even rarer for any birds to show up.

Aether made his mind up to slowly try getting down and searching the surrounding area. There was only one problem though, he couldn't just jump and it would be too dangerous to equip his glider in the night light. If he did equip it there was a small chance he'd hit the roof of the golden house or even worse, a tree. Asking the Yaksha would be an even stupider idea, the poor guy deserves some rest after all those tears.

After some thinking he decided to try jumping off and pray nothing happens. 'A couple injuries from falling shouldn't be too bad right..? He though to himself. Before leaving, the blonde boy checked up on Xiao to see if he was sleeping. He indeed was, his eyes were closed and he was laying down on the soft grass. The traveler didn't bother waking him up and headed to find a smooth place to jump off of the mountain.

It was impossible finding any spot that wouldn't hurt so badly. He ended up going to an extremley long tree that was on the ground heading right on the top of the mountain. His idea was to jump there and slide slowly and steady to the bottom. It took no hesitation. He walked away a bit and started running in a fast pace towards the tree while jumping and grabbing roughly onto it. His body started to slide down like he had planned. Only problem was the unbearing pain of getting bruises all over his arms,chest and legs.

Once he arrived at the bottom he took some moments to rest after all this suffering. Maybe using the glider would've been a way less painful idea. The blonde boy ignored all the bruises he had and started exploring the area looking for any kind of bird that is able to deliver a letter.

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