All over again |

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The traveler thought it was all going to be over when he stabbed his sister in the stomach. He thought everybody in Teyvat would be at peace, including his lover. But he was wrong. Even after dealing with the former princess of the Abyss. Something still seemed to be bothering this world. The boy was still mentally exhausted from the previous fights. Seeing the bard the state he was in just a couple hours ago really started to mess with his head. But he tried to stay strong, if not for himself then for the sake of Teyvat. He had to figure out what was going on.

After the encounter with 'Venti' the two decided to head for Mondstadt to check if everything was alright there. Like they expected, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. They even met the actual Venti they. Neither of them mentioned anything about the current fight that just occurred to him. They said their goodbyes like they normally intended to and left the land of freedom.

They had no clue where to go or what to do, there was no place they could go to, to search about what that creature right now was. Returning to Liyue for some time seemed like the safest option.

Xiao was also feeling very weak after the fight. For some reason he walked way slower than he usually does. His breathing also became very unusual, when his lover tried asking him about it he avoided the question. Both of them seemed damaged, neither felt like talking so they just continued walking quietly before reaching the border between the two nations.

Aether was so exhausted he sat on one of the rocks along the way, panting. His energy felt drained. He was still thinking about what he had just seen, seeing a friend wake up from death was something he never expected to see, despite seeing many crazy things on his journey by now, this was so far one of the most terrifying experiences.

As he was trying to rest on the rock, the Adeptus sat next to him. He also wasn't any better, he was still gripping onto his polearm very hard incase that creature appears again.

It was very awkward staying so quiet for this long, so one of them finally decided to start a conversation.

"Are you alright...? Did you get hurt? I'm very sorry I wasn't able to fight...My entire body hasn't been able to move after seeing Venti in that state." Started the blonde as he finally managed to rest enough to be able to talk.

"Do not blame yourself, I would be shocked too if I saw one of the other Yaksha's or you experience the same thing..." The Yaksha gently leaned his head onto the other's shoulder. He was too tired to keep it up for any longer.

The traveler ran his fingers through his boyfriend hair only to notice how much his head was burning. His face wasn't red or anything like that, it just felt hot to the touch.

"Xiao...your head."

"Worry about yourself forget about me. I'm used to stuff like this, headaches were a huge part of the karmic debt I suffered from. Getting one right now shouldn't be too hard to endure."

Without a second thought, the blonde placed his hand on the boy's head. He stared at his eyes strangley for quite a while before managing to heal him.

He jumped up from Aether's shoulder, shocked by how the pain suddenly stopped after the traveler just did that. The powers that the boy possessed were still unknown, he himself also wasn't aware of what they do, only thing the blonde was able to figure out was that he was able to heal certain wounds. He found out about this when treating one of the Adeptuses wounds a long time ago. Ever since then he practiced this skill on every subject he could lay his hands on, sometimes even on Paimon when she accidentally managed to scratch herself.

The boy felt way better than before, but unfortunately his partner was unable to heal himself.

"...thank you." Xiao whispered as he sighed in relief.

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