The Spark

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The crystals inside the cave seemed to have turned brighter or was Xiao seeing things? Back when Aether proposed for the first time, the Yaksha didn't understand the concept of marriage. He read some books about it in their time apart and only then realized what it all meant. He had never expected the blonde to propose again but there he was.

It was way too clear how Aether was close to shedding a tear waiting for an answer. Xiao was already crying. He wasn't expecting this at all. His heart was beating like crazy. Was he going to have a heart attack? He wiped the tears away from his eyes and covered his face without saying anything.

The traveler got up from the ground, looking all worried for a second. He took one look at the rings in his hand and then sighed. He should've known this was how it was going to end.

He turned his back to his lover so that the Adeptus wouldn't see him cry. He held the rings close to his heart and let the tears run down his face.

"...This should have been expected." He said in a defeated voice while staring at his reflection in one of the crystals. He looked pathetic, really.

'What am I thinking proposing for a second time? Letting him accept it for the first time ended up being a huge mistake. He isn't accepting it again...why did I even think things would change...?' Aether thought to himself.

An awkward silence filled up the cave. Neither of the two boys said anything. The traveler knew he messed up again. He knew he wasn't worthy of getting married to anyone after what he did. There was a small part deep down in him that thought this was a good idea, but no. He made the Yaksha cry once more.

It wouldn't make any sense if the two continued being together after this. Aether took one last look at his reflection and smiled realizing it was best to let Xiao go. He turned around to face the Adeptus and started speaking.

"I think we spent long enough in this about we finally get o-"

He stopped talking after noticing the look on the other's face. His smile also faded away and his eyes widened.

Xiao had eyes full of tears, but he was smiling. It was a genuine smile, unlike the one Aether had on his face a few seconds ago. The Yaksha walked up to the boy and held both of his hands.

"Aether." He called out waiting for his lover to snap out of it.

The blonde wouldn't look into Xiao's eyes he kept looking away even when the boy was holding his hands. It seemed like they switched personalities for a moment there. It wasn't like Xiao to start conversations, and it wasn't like Aether to avoid things that should be talked out.

"You explored every corner of the world just to find a perfect place to ask for my hand in marriage?" The Adeptus asked.

Aether nodded and looked into his boyfriend's eyes. He already knew what the answer was, he just needed to hear it so they could leave already and avoid the awkward chat.


As expected. The blonde had been trying to break a hole in the cave for some time now. He finally managed to grasp a huge part of the wall and started taking it off. An earthquake followed quickly after. Dust filled up the room once more. At one point Aether couldn't even see Xiao anymore. He only felt that the boy wasn't holding his hand anymore.

He turned around and was ready to teleport somewhere to cry and hopefully get over it someday which he knew would never be possible.

Right before the traveler left, he felt the Yaksha's cold hands wrap around his body. Why was he doing this now? He pretty much rejected the blonde. So what's the point of a hug? Aether hugged him back thinking this was some sort of parting gift.

"You're so stupid." The Adeptus whispered in his ear.

"Xiao listen, I'm sorry. This was a huge mistake. Go leave."

"See? This is why you're stupid. I'm not rejecting you, Aether." Xiao's voice cracked up and he pulled away from the hug. Aether looked at him. He wasn't sure he was hearing right.

"I want to be together with you until the day I die. You brought so many colors into my life. You hurt me before too but you did it in order to protect me. You were ready to sacrifice your life for me and the lives of people you don't even know that well. I'm sure you know I'd do the same for you, so you're one big idiot if you think I'm going to say no."

Xiao then grabbed one of the rings from the blonde's hand and put it on his finger. He smiled as yet another tear escaped his eye.

Aether broke down crying and jumped on the boy to hug him. Both of them fell onto the ground while everything around them was collapsing. The sunlight slowly reached inside the cave and the spell the blonde used managed to open up the cave completely.

A huge crystal rock that was above the two looked ready to fall off at any moment since it had barely anything to hold onto. Since the place was very dusty, the two couldn't see it.

Xiao was looking into his lover's beautiful eyes. That spark inside of them never failed to make him happy and comforted at the same time. There was no way he would've said no to his now fiance's proposal.

The Yaksha pulled his partner into a kiss, ignoring the complete disaster happening around them. They both didn't care at all.

Unfortunately, the crystal rock above them decided that it spent long enough holding onto the cave. It started falling at a speed that would be impossible to escape from.

The Spark [Xiao x Aether]Where stories live. Discover now