Figuring yourself out |||

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About two weeks have passed, the two guys were together every day and night ever since Xiao requested his companion to stay with him for some time. Everything was going perfectly fine. Nobody needed Aether's help in the meantime. The Yaksha was his main priority.

They spent their days taking walks together, chatting and of course getting closer as companions. Most of the nights the Adeptus watched the Traveler sleep since he still wasn't able to sleep like any other person due to the nightmares. He didn't mind watching him sleep at those times. He did make a promise that he will protect him after all.

The only time he was able to sleep was when the blonde boy offered to hold his hand. At those times he felt as ease. He felt safe knowing nothing is gonna haunt him with Aether by his side.

He was usually hesitant to hold his hand though. It took hours of convincing, but at the end he always gave in.

It was now morning in Liyue harbor. One of the guys was sleeping on the roof in Wanghu inn, while the other was looking in the distance. It is insanely uncomfortable to rest there but that place certainly helped Xiao calm down.

The Traveler slowly started to wake up, lots of birds made nests on the roof meaning it was like a whole concert there every morning.

The moment he opened his eyes and sat up he saw the Yaksha standing over him.

"Good morning. How was your sleep?"

"Morning. it was okay, do we really have to sleep here every night though? My back pains keep getting worse."

"It's not that bad." He often wanted to call the blonde boy a mortal due to him acting exactly like one. But now that he knew he wasn't one, it would be disrespectful and awkward.

He stared at him waiting for him to get on his feet. Today they planned to visit cloud retainer. She seemed to want to talk to Xiao. He doesn't have any special connection to her other than them both being Adepti. Such request to talk to him was strange of her to ask. Normally she was busy doing her duty or training her beloved students. Surely this must be something about the harbors safety.

The Yaksha did not want to meet up with her. He was in a messed up mindset. But after all he did not have a choice. Having to deal with a personality such as Cloud Retainer's was difficult.

The two did not talk often at all. Only when neccesarily needed.

"I thought you would've already left, don't you have a meeting with that bird?" Asked Aether while slowly rubbing his eyes.

"I do. She would like you to come along too."

"Did she specify a reason?"

"You know how Cloud retainer is. Meet me at the bottom of the stairs once you're ready to go." and with that he dissapeared leaving green smoke behind. The random teleporting was common to the Traveler at this point.

The blonde boy's hair was a mess. He usually braided it every morning to keep it away from his eyes while in combat. The hair would've gotten insanely distracting if he didn't braid it.

He had no time for that what so ever. He unbraided the parts of his hair that were still together and headed to the stairs. He was praying that the Cloud Retainer wasn't preparing an exam of fighting or something like that. The hair would really be a problem then.

He started walking down the long stairs until he saw his companion waiting for him right at the end. He gave him a strange look while tilting his head slightly.

"Something the matter?"

"Your hair.."

"I wanted to tie it but it could cost us time. If we're going to fight something then I'll-"

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