Feelings |

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The moon was glowing quite a lot this specific night. After all, there was a special festival happening at the moment. But this year it was more special.

Xiao was holding Aether in his Arms after that kiss, they were both quiet and flustered. They had no clue what to say to eachother.

The blonde boy's head was about to explode, he wasn't expecting something like that at all. Being able to feel the Yaksha's lips pressed deep onto his made his heart skip a couple of beats. The kiss was so gentle and loving. The popular Traveler who was always praised by how strong he was and how he was able to deal with any problem was now melting inside, Only from a touch of a dear friend of his. Nobody would've thought he could turn so weak just from something as simple as that.

"Aether- I..." started the Adeptus while his face was still filled with bright red color. "Quit covering your face, I'm talking to you, not to the back of your hand..."

Aether didn't wanna show the weakness in his eyes at the moment, he knew he definitely had a strange look on his face after the sudden kiss. But at the end, he took his hands off revealing a strange spark in his eyes.

"I apologize I don't know what has gotten into me."

"I'm the one who kisses you without consent and you're apologizing? Pathetic..." Said Xiao sounding less cold than he usually was. "Something about your smile made me want to ...do that."


Hearing such words come from the Yaksha's mouth was a huge surprise.

'Is he confessing his love to me? Or is he  trying to say something else? And why do I mind if he does have some sort of feelings? Why am I in his arms? Why am I not pulling away? Why is he not pulling away? Why are we so close? What is happening to me.' Aether started having all these questions spinning around in his head. He was unsure why he was feeling so flustered all of a sudden. He had no feelings for Xiao, he only saw him as a dear friend. Or so he thought.

The Adeptuses hands were still grabbing onto his companions waist as they were standing in the moonlight. It was a really long kiss, immediately letting go afterwards would've been disrespectful. But was respect really the only reason the two boys were still holding onto eachother?

Xiao had an upset look in his eyes, he was staring deep into his companions soul. The awkwardness just grew bigger and bigger every second that passed by.

"...Tell me, what are we?" Questioned Aether noticing the regret and sadness that started forming on his friend's face.

But before the Yaksha could answer they heard a strange sound coming from the bushes nearby. All the creatures definitely would've had left by now mainly because of the loud fireworks from the festival, so of course the strange noise alerted the Adeptus. The traveler on the other hand was too focused on the current situation so he barely noticed anything.

Xiao let go off of his friend and made him stand behind him. Surely if the constant exploding sounds weren't enough to chase hilichurls away then it must be something far more dangerous.

"Something is lurking in the dark. Stay behind I'll deal with it."

"I don't carry my sword around for fun." Stated the blonde boy as he slowly walked over to the bushes where the noise was coming from, it was hard to see where he was going but using elemental vision made it no big deal. The Yaksha followed, walking right behind him.

The noise stopped the second they got close to it, they searched the area but nothing was found, not even foot prints. Not even Xiao could sense any form of life around besides Aether. Perhaps he couldn't focus after what he had done, his thoughts were making it impossible to try sensing it something was there.

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