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Nobody in this world ever understood who were the bad guys and who were the good guys, everyone just blamed eachother thinking they're absolutely correct. Where in reality there was no right or wrong.

In Aether's case it was his own sister who was the bad guy, she made him waste a lot of time searching for her only for him to get betrayed at the very end. The traveler had always thought she still had some good in her, but he was wrong.

Now that Lumine was dead, the blonde boy felt like a lot of weight of his shoulders has been dropped off. Of course he felt guilty for killing her with his own two hands but he was glad that he didn't need to run after her anymore, he was also glad that Teyvat was safe. The thing that made him the most happy was that he wasn't alone during this entire battle. A certain someone was by his side the entire time.

The two boys had built a strong boat from the trees that were laying around the former abyss order doors, Aether had no energy left to swim and Xiao definitely couldn't swim for long. Building something to cross the ocean was the best option possible. Their trip with a boat would definitely take at least a day. It was a long way back to the surface.

They pushed their well-made boat into the water and got on, it seemed perfectly stable and they trusted it not to break. There was no paddling needed, due to the wind blowing right to the direction they needed it to blow.

The traveler laid on one of the sides of the boat to rest, he was very exhausted from the fight he could barely sit up straight. His bones ached like never before, the boy was so happy it was all over. As for his friend who was sitting on the other side, he was in much better shape. This was probably the best he had felt in centuries.

"You're not exhausted?" Questioned Aether.

"No, actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I thought I should wait until you're in a tiny bit better shape, I think nows the time." Spoke the Adeptus with a calm and slightly changed voice.

"Ask away."

"I'm certain I've told you about the tyrant god who had put this hurtful curse upon me. The God that had been giving me all these nightmares and pains I've been going through for quite some time."

"Wait, could the reason you're in such good mood be that..." the blonde boy had cut him off, the sudden realization on what happened had hit him.

"Your sister...she was that god. It's hard to believe but the moment you ended her life I felt...something."

Overjoyed, Aether sat back up and looked his friend directly in the eyes. Hearing this made him feel less upset about murdering his own sister for some reason.

Xiao had been put under a curse hundreds of years ago where a god was torturing him until the end of it's life, unfortunately gods don't die and he had expected to live with such pains till the very end. Feeling such relief when the former princess of the abyss died made the Yaksha happier than ever. Nothing was trying to kill him anymore. Everything was peaceful. He had a suspicion about Lumine being that same God through her aura back when they first met at Wangshu Inn.

The death aura that the girl had possessed was most likely from the archon war. She was dead but given another chance in life by the Celestia's gods. The stab her brother gave her was the only thing that could actually kill her, due to the boy being more connected to gods than he thought.

"Does that're finally free?!" Said the blonde boy with a huge smile on his face, he was so happy that his friend was free from all the pain and suffering he had endured in all these years. Perhaps all the emotion teaching Aether had given him also helped fight the curse off.

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