Friends from afar |||

387 17 1

The blonde boy immediately jumped up after waking up. He was out of Istaroth's room. He instantly started looking around and soon realized he was in his and Xiao's room. His lover was also slowly starting to wake up after realizing he was awake.

Due to the side effects of his soul being transported to outer space, the boy still felt the need to vomit. He covered his mouth with both of his hands and started looking around the room. There was no sink so he quickly got up and started running towards the kitchen silently trying not to wake anyone up.

By that time the Adeptus was wide awake. He noticed all that was happening and he teleported to the kitchen as fast as he could. He caught his partner coughing up blood into the sink while barely breathing.

He ran up to him and held his blonde hair back with one hand so it doesn't get damaged from the blood while with the other hand, he made sure for the traveler not to fall.

It all happened so suddenly from the Yaksha's perspective.

After Aether finally finished vomiting out blood and caught his breath, his boyfriend made him lie down on the sofa right next to the kitchen. He was barely breathing and sweating as he tried to remember anything that happened before all this.

"Can you breathe? Does your throat hurt?" Asked the Adeptus as he touched the other's face to check if he has a fever.

He coughed and sat up before answering.

"I'm sorry for waking you up..."

"Don't be. What's going on? Tell me."

At that moment all his thoughts came rushing back. Istaroth was going to stab him with some unusual weapon. He could only hear one last word before his soul came back to the real world. The woman's breath also managed to stick to his mouth. He started wiping his mouth once again with his sleeve hoping the horrible taste would go away.

The vomiting could've been easily explained if it wasn't blood. There were no wounds on the traveler so what was causing the bleeding? The goddess of time never got the chance to stab him.

And not to mention everything she said about time and Paimon. It all made the boy's head hurt.

"I..." he started, but couldn't before he had the need to vomit once more.

That continued up until the middle of the night. The constant throwing up just wouldn't stop no matter what. He tried drinking water and laying down but nothing worked.

Once it finally stopped the boy was finally able to catch his breath normally. At that point, he could barely walk. Xiao was there to help him every time it happened. Neither knew why this was happening. Aether couldn't even get to his words. It was really strange.

"Lay down and rest. Talk when you feel ready. You've already lost enough blood."

In response, the blonde just nodded weakly, still sweating but now more than before. Whatever that woman did to him was strange. He couldn't think about it anymore, the more he did the more he felt the need to vomit.

At that time Paimon woke up from all the noise coming from the kitchen and living room. She entered the room rubbing her eyes to see what was going on.

"Hey...what's with all the ruckus!? Paimon is trying to sleep!" She yelled annoyingly as she opened her eyes and found her best friend barely conscious on the sofa with his lover sitting next to him with a concerned look. "Huh!? Xiao, what's wrong with him!? He isn't getting worse is he!?"

"Paimon. Go back to sleep."

"No! Not until you tell me what happened!"

"I'm not sure either."

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