The banquet |||

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Aether chose to stay on the balcony for a while longer even after the Geo archon left. He leaned onto the fence and sighed.

"Marriage, huh?" He mumbled to himself while his eyes wandered off to his lover again.

The Yaksha seemed to be having a great time with the other Adepti. He wasn't as awkward as 200 years ago. He changed, and the blonde was happy about that. This had been his goal since meeting the boy and he was finally seeing him smile while talking to other people. The traveler had been afraid that the many years of absence might cause his partner a bit more trouble communicating but they didn't.

Unfortunately for the boy, he had no one to talk to despite there being many people at the party. Many recognized him as the God of time but they were too afraid to speak to him. It was easy when Paimon was around. She would just walk up to people and somehow befriend them in the most awkward way possible. It worked somehow though.

But Paimon wasn't here anymore.

Aether suspected once or twice that she and Istaroth were related. He should've known from the start. It was a shame that the former God of time disappeared but perhaps it was for the better.

He smiled and was about to walk back down where most people were but right as he turned around he bumped into somebody who decided to teleport out of nowhere. The blonde grabbed onto the boy's shoulders and gave him an annoyed look.

"I thought you were having fun down there. Look, now they're wondering where you went." Aether said while pointing his finger to the group of Adepti who kept looking around wondering where their dear friend went. They eventually stopped and went back to their own thing.

Xiao's eyes wandered off aside. His face seemed to have gotten a little way too red. It was as if he had a fever, but that was impossible since he had a full-body healing not too long ago. This made the traveler wonder what the group had discussed that made him this way.

"I wasn't expecting you to be all alone. I just wanted to check up on you." He admitted.

"I'm just getting used to the new atmosphere of people. Are you sure you aren't here because the other Adepti were teasing you?"


"Knew it~."

"Of course you did..."

The Adeptus grabbed his lover's hand and they headed downstairs.

It was really surprising how Xiao was willing to hold the hand of the other almost the entire time with no hesitation. It seemed like he also mentioned a thing or two about their relationship to the Adepti. Aether noticed this because Cloud Retainer kept staring at him every now and then while smiling menacingly. It creeped him out so he stopped looking at the crowd after some time.

When they arrived in the main room they both realized how much attention the blonde was getting. As they walked around, people moved to the side and did a slight bow to the God of space and time. It was awkward but soon after walking a bit, the two ran into the anemo archon along the way while trying to check the place out a bit and escape the other Adepti.

"Ah! Just the person I was looking for! It's been a while traveler, hasn't it?" The bard spoke.

He looked completely different. This time he looked more like an Archon than just a bard who plays music all day. Everyone at the banquet looked a little extra fancy but Venti was out of this world. Seems like he finally revealed to his people that he is the Anemo archon.

"Venti?" Xiao called out in confusion while tilting his head to the side.

"The conqueror of demons! As I expected! You two are as close as ever. I'm happy seeing both of you happy and in love even after so many years. You truly are the perfect for one another."

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