Friends from afar VI

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Many hours passed before the blonde decided to head back home. He wasn't surprised that his lover decided to leave earlier but he did get worried whether the boy was okay or not since he didn't mention anything to the traveler. Nilou and a ton of other people asked what happened to the boy but Aether wasn't sure what to tell them so he just avoided the question.

While everyone decided to have a couple of drinks, he decided to skip it and leave to check up on his boyfriend. He wasn't a big fan of alcohol either way.

Paimon decided to stay for the night since Nahida offered her a room and some food. She couldn't decline free food, and she also was tired of always staying in the teapot.

"Xiao~ Are you there?" He called out as he opened the door.

"Upstairs." The other yelled back.

The Yaksha was reading a book in his bed. He didn't seem too happy to see his partner, his face looked so unamused. Aether thought it was due to the huge crowd at first but something felt odd. Normally Xiao would've greeted him but he was staying silent the entire time while the boy was getting flowers out of his hair.

"I'm very sorry that we haven't had the chance to talk. I didn't expect that many people to be there...But don't worry I don't mind that you left." He tried to be understanding since he knew that if the Adeptus stayed there any longer it would just exhaust him mentally.

He threw himself on the bed next to Xiao. He was so tired and wanted to sleep, but seeing how the other wasn't saying much made him concerned.

"Oh, you're reading that book again. Anything interesting happened by now?"

Again, no response. The blonde was clearly being ignored. He turned over to face his boyfriend only to notice how he wasn't even reading the book. He was staring at one word not moving his eyes at all.

"...Did I do something wrong?"

"Get those flowers out of your hair and then we'll talk."

Aether was taken aback by the request but decided to do it anyway. They were making his hair itchy and taking them off was no problem. It only confused him as to why they bothered the Yaksha. Was he allergic?

The second he was done getting rid of the flowers the Adeptus put down his book and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Who was that red-haired girl who kept touching you?" He finally asked.

"Nilou? She's the main dancer in the Zubayr Theater. We're quite close friends. She offered to decorate my hair so I let her."

"...We used to be 'quite close' friends as well before...all this. I'm not saying you aren't allowed to have friends but I've noticed how she has been touching you all day long. You don't have any special feelings for you?"

He tried not to act like a complete psycho but he couldn't help but chuckle slightly after realizing that his boyfriend thought he and the dancer from Sumeru had something. Aether was definitely in love with the Adeptus and he thought he was doing a good job of showing it. Maybe the other thought differently.

"What's so funny?" Xiao looked away feeling stupid. He thought long and hard about how he was gonna ask this, did he make a mistake? Was his partner gaining feelings for somebody else? His head started to pain him even more than before.

The blonde got on top of him and hugged him as they laid together in the bed. The Yaksha wasn't sure how to react. Was hugging him back the right choice?

"You're the one that's funny, Xiao. You know I love you a lot. I'd give my life up for you. You're the only one on my mind every day. There's no way in a million years that I would leave you so easily." Aether reassured him as he grabbed the boy's face and looked into his eyes. They were beautiful amber-colored eyes. Nothing could compare to them.

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