"Do you love me?" |||

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Everyone had already left the palace of Zapolyarny, including the guards who usually stood outside. It was only the Yaksha, still sitting outside on the bench. His lover still hadn't returned and he got bored waiting around so he fell asleep. It wasn't like a usual sleep. He was still half awake meanwhile the other half was just lost in thoughts. Should he go look for Aether? Did something go wrong? No. Surely someone would've informed him if anything bad happened.

Each hour that passed, the boy got more impatient. He would've returned to Celestia if he could. Unfortunately, the only way to get there was with the blonde's approval. Very reasonable considering how important his role in Teyvat now is.

As Xiao's mind slowly began drifting away, he was suddenly woken up by a bright light coming from one of the mountains in the distance. It was very bright and colorful. It wasn't too far away so he could easily teleport since he had been saving a lot of energy recently.

His eyes widened as he observed the situation. Many colors just popped out of the mountain which was very odd. Since the boy had nothing better to do he decided to go check out what was going on.

He teleported there only to be greeted with dust. What was with dust following him everywhere he went that day? He coughed a few times and soon enough the dust cleared away.

The mountain seemed completely destroyed from the other side as if something had tried breaking it in half. It was understandable why though. Rocks were blocking the entrance but from a very small hole, the Adeptus noticed many shiny crystals. He stood there admiring the light before trying to find a way inside the mountain. There seemed to be a huge empty space inside.

After trying to find a way to get in, he realized that it was almost impossible. He could try teleporting, but that would cause the mountain to collapse even more. It would be a shame if something so beautiful got destroyed. In the end, he found a small hole he could try squeezing himself into.

Xiao wasn't particularly tall and his waist was small so he fit in without any issue.

Choosing a short human form wasn't so bad after all. All the teasing he got for being short by his Adepti friends back in the day didn't matter anymore. Could they fit inside? Probably not.

When he got inside, everything began shaking and dust surrounded the place once again. He wasn't as small as he thought he was. He barely took a look around when a huge rock from the roof of the cave began shaking as if it was about to fall. Everything outside was collapsing and every exit was blocked the the rocks. If it weren't for the rocks, the Yaksha would've been completely blind.

Under the huge rock, there was a person who seemed very weak and unable to move properly. The rock was about to fall down any second and crush the person. Right as the rock started falling, Xiao immediately ran towards the person and grabbed him tightly. He jumped together with the guy in his arms far away from the rock, saving his life.

The whole cave was full of dust. The Adeptus couldn't even tell who he just saved, but it didn't matter as long as the guy was okay.

The two laid down on the floor until the dust cleared out. Xiao felt a little uncomfortable having to lay on top of the person to prevent him from breathing any of the toxic air. It wasn't until a few minutes later when he opened his eyes and saw a pair of familiar golden eyes right below him. The boy's eyes were glowing way brighter than usual. Most likely due to the many crystal lights in the cave.

"Aether!?" Xiao yelled in surprise. He didn't get off the boy yet but just stared in shock.

"Xiao!? What are you doing here!?" The traveler yelled back. Both of them just stared in surprise.

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