The Spark (2) [THE END]

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"Do you think my hair looks fine...? I've tried every single hairstyle you suggested to me but nothing looks perfect!" The Yaksha asked in a panic.

It was a special day. He had never felt this nervous before. Many times he needed to stop himself from crying because of how happy he was. But that was fine. Something deep inside him was telling him that after the ceremony there won't be any crying anymore. He was finally going to achieve happiness in life together with the person he loved the most.

"Trust me Alatus, I'm sure he won't mind whatever hairstyle you decide on. He loved you back when your hair was a mess and he will love you now. Don't overthink it!" Cloud Retainer tried comforting him from across the room. She knew how these types of things could get stressful so she tried her best that day not to tease Xiao too much.

"Xianyun, let him be. It's his special day. It's natural to feel the need for everything to be perfect. Why don't you lend him a hand?" The Geo archon said from across the room.

He wasn't supposed to be in the changing room but using what was left of his Archon abilities, he decided to stay by Xiao's side in case the woman tried messing with him. He was relieved to see things were going well.

"Morax, is it just me or is there some strange air in this room, my eyes are getting all watery..." The woman said while grabbing a tissue to wipe her tears away. Her makeup was all ruined but she didn't mind.

Zhongli laughed. He never thought this day would come. Back when he found Xiao all alone and took him in he never expected things to take a turn in his life. He's become way more social with people ever since a certain someone stepped into his life.

"The air here must be pretty terrible. Give me one of those tissues before my eyes turn into a mess."


Everything went as expected. The Adeptus couldn't stop himself from crying when he saw his future husband at the end of the hall. Aether's reaction wasn't much different. They looked at each other with a spark in their eyes. Some say that you can tell by someone's eyes whether they have feelings for somebody or not. For Xiao and Aether, that was obvious. Anyone could tell how much admiration the two have for one another. The two boys' meeting was truly fate.

After the vows and everything. They finally got to kiss. This kiss wasn't anything like their usual ones. Despite the blonde being the confident one, he felt a little shy, but once their lips connected everything changed. People in the crowd cheered while some even cried. Aether held his husband in his arms tight, ready to never let go of him again. The hug lasted a long while after the kiss.

Even though the whole ceremony didn't last that long, the two knew they were never going to forget this day until the end of their lives. At one point before it all ended, Aether pulled Xiao aside to have a talk with him. Most of the guests were either drunk or asleep so it didn't matter that the two suddenly disappeared.

They decided to take a walk. It was night so it was a perfect time for a walk.

"We have been going through many ups and downs for a while now. I can't believe this isn't a dream...I would've been long gone if it wasn't for you, Xiao. I'm going to be the best husband you'll ever have in order to pay you back for that." The traveler said in a joking manner while holding his lover's hand as they walked.

The Yaksha chuckled.

"You'll be the only husband I'll ever have. There's no chance I'll ever have eyes for somebody else."

"Same here. You've drawn me in with this spark inside your eyes, there's no way I'm ever going away from that."

Xiao stopped walking and looked at his husband while smiling.

"You gave me that spark. Actually, you gave many people that spark. Mine is only different because I'm a little bit you. You might have not noticed how many people in Teyvat lived a happier life only because they met you. It's like...You're some kind of happiness generator."

"Happiness generator?" The traveler started laughing hysterically while hearing the name. His stomach started hurting at one point from laughing.

"Hey, I'm complimenting you..."

"I didn't know my husband would call me weird names the night of our wedding..."

"It's not a weird name! I don't know how else to describe it! You just...make everyone around you so happy. That's what I like the most about you."

"Do you wanna know what I like about you the most?"

The Adeptus nodded. He expected to hear a very fast answer but instead, the blonde just looked at the move above them and smiled while thinking about what to say. He knew what to say, he just wasn't sure how to say it in short.

"Well, you see,

Many days, months, years, decades, centuries will pass. Naturally, both of us will change during those times. Your change had only just begun. Just recently you started showing your true self. What I look most forward to is what kind of a person you'd turn out to be in the future.

I love how you're slowly changing for the better. So, I guess what I like the most about you is that you gave me a chance to try and help you break out of your shell, which seemed like it worked.

I love seeing the person you're turning into.

I love seeing you slowly develop a liking for certain things you avoided back when we first met.

I love how you aren't a weapon made for war anymore.

Xiao, I love you for who you have become. I look forward to spending my life helping you figure out who you are. Together we can help each other and build a perfect future together!"

The Spark [Xiao x Aether]Where stories live. Discover now