A week before the disaster |

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More and more days passed. Each kept getting worse than the last. Plenty of different gods that hid deep within Teyvat's deepest holes decided to roam free. This caused a bunch of chaos among all seven nations, their gods were panicked and full of stress trying to protect their people. No one knew what was going on. Whenever the Gods were asked what they were after they all would just say the exact same thing.

"We are after the divine star from the outer world. We do not have any need for war or an apocalypse."

With such description, anyone would have guessed who this may be. The traveler was the only one who appeared on Teyvat out of nowhere. There were no other entities from outer space besides him. Due to this, he had to stay hidden in the teapot most of the time while helping out the archons seal away the gods in secret.

Due to his powers advancing each second, after some time he managed to learn how to change forms. He could easily turn into anyone or anything. With this, he was able to keep a great disguise.

Xiao was also helping him as much as he could. No one batted an eye on him since it was only natural for an Adeptus to protect his people. Many questioned him about his lover's whereabouts so he had to lie that he didn't know. Lying wasn't something he found easy but he had to do it for his partner, otherwise, Istaroth's statement could come true.

The boy's fear grew more each day that passed by. There was a week left before the entirety of Teyvat turned to ashes.

He was sitting nervously in the teapot's front door waiting for his beloved to return. Tubby tried comforting him multiple times but it never worked. The more she tried the more the boy panicked.

The two couldn't go out of the teapot at the same time, it was too dangerous if anyone noticed that they were acquainted.

Hours passed and eventually, a portal opened from the sky, and the blonde dropped through it with a huge trail of blood following him, before he could touch the ground the Yaksha quickly caught him in his arms so he wouldn't take any fall damage.

This injury seemed far worse than any of the recent ones. Blood was smeared all over his face but despite that, Aether still managed to heal in no time and get back on his feet.

"...I still wonder how you're able to catch me each and every time I fall, actually, I don't think there has ever been a time where I fell around you."

Without thinking, the Yaksha took one look at him and slapped him hard across the face leaving a red mark similar to the one Paimon left not too long ago. In his eyes, the only thing that could be seen are tears ready to flow out at any second. He regretted this deeply.

"You said you were going to be careful. You promised, yet every time you come back you're injured somehow. If you continue you know what is about to happen."

The other blinked a couple of times making sure he was seeing correctly and wasn't pulled into yet another black room. He never expected his lover to hurt him like that. Xiao seemed like a gentle soul so this left the blonde speechless.

"I'm leaving if you come back wrecked like this again. I'll fight the gods on my own."

"Go then."


"It was your decision to stay with me knowing all this is my fault. Go ahead and leave. Go help Morax fight off the gods. I will stay here alone dealing with it." Aether was slowly beginning to lose his sanity after experimenting with his abilities so often. He didn't know what he was saying. The words didn't match what he meant at all.

It was obvious that both of them were mentally destroyed.

"If I leave you'd be all alone. Maybe this is how you started an apocalypse in the first place. You were too stubborn to put your sword down."

Tubby was watching this entire argument from afar. She thought of stepping in and trying to solve this but couldn't. It seemed better if they solved it on their own.

"I don't have a problem with being all alone."

"How would you know? You always had somebody by your side. It was either Lumine or Paimon. I had nobody for years and I still didn't manage to kill myself while dealing with karmic debt, don't tell me you're that weak."

With an annoyed look on his face, the traveler just broke eye contact and looked to the ground. He knew he couldn't keep hurting himself like this if he wanted to live but what was the point of life if he was always going to suffer no matter what happens?

Before he could turn around and walk away he was suddenly hugged by his lover. He didn't wanna hug back but neither did he want to push away. They haven't hugged in a while so for the blonde it felt way more comforting than any kind of words of encouragement they shared these past few days.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so rough with you, especially in this mind state. I... don't know what's gotten into me."

The Yaksha patiently waited for a hug back but it never came. He accepted it and let go of his boyfriend. The spark in his eyes still wasn't back. They seemed to be getting more dull each day that passed by.

"Go upstairs and rest. I'll make you some tea if there's any left."

Aether didn't say anything but just nodded and headed to his bedroom to lie down a little. No amount of healing could ever heal mental pain.

Everything was slowly beginning to fall apart.

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