Continuing point |

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The Dendro archon led the two boys to the room she had rented not too long ago for visitors from other nations. She hoped that the two would talk before trying to mess with Irminsul. Aether needed all the emotional support he could possibly get on this mission. It was a huge step in his life, but was it the correct step?

"Let's meet up at our usual place first thing in the morning. Then we can discuss if you're really ready to do something like this." The girl mentioned before leaving to deal with some matters.

It was the evening so she still had a ton of stuff to deal with, her people needed help and she couldn't say no. They were all nice people.

"See you tomorrow then, Nahida." The blonde spoke, as he waved her goodbye.

He was certain that removing his sister from this world was the right choice, even when the archon of wisdom herself told him to rethink his decision, he wasn't going to reconsider it. There was something else that he had to discuss with the Yaksha though, something that had nothing to do with the current situation.

They headed inside the room and didn't even bother checking it out, the second Aether saw the bed he dropped onto it. He was exhausted from walking all the way from Liyue to the house of Daena. Despite being an immortal he still seemed to have the stamina of a mortal. Xiao on the other hand wasn't feeling any sign of exhaustion.

The traveler didn't want to relax just yet, but his body gave up. He could not stand properly anymore, his legs were killing him.

"Want me to make you tea? It could calm you down..." Questioned the Adeptus as he noticed how his lover was breathing very heavily. Tea could often help someone to relax. "I've noticed there are spare teabags in the kitchen. I don't think Buer would mind."

"That would be nice..." he managed as he say up.

The Yaksha headed over to the kitchen in their room and started boiling some water, while waiting for it to be done he took one glance at his partner to check how he was doing.

His entire expression seemed so dull, but that was understandable. He was going through a lot. Xiao felt bad he couldn't do much for him to cheer him up. Despite already spending so much time together, the boy didn't know what would make his boyfriend happy in a time like this. Tea was the only thing that came to his mind.

"Uhm. If there's anything I can do for you let me know."

Aether forced a faint smile while looking at the ground.

"Protect me."


"Protect me, Xiao."

Suddenly, the boiling water seemed to have finished boiling. The Yaksha took it and poured it into a cup, he added a small amount of sugar and took it to his lover.

He placed it on a table next to his bed and sat down next to him.

"I will always protect you. I swore, didn't I? Whatever danger comes at you I'm willing to protect you at any given time." Xiao was taken back a bit by the sudden request, ever since they met he told him he'd protect him. It was pretty clear that the traveler already knew about it so why was he asking such a question?

"Please protect me tonight."

The blonde clenched his fist.

"I don't want to die in my sleep...and staying up isn't a good decision. I need to be well-rested in order to not make any mistakes tomorrow. So please..."

Words such as these were much different than what he said back when he was unconscious. Back then he was ready to give up, but now, he was still fighting to survive. The Adeptus was relieved to hear that his partner didn't have any suicidal thoughts and that back then it was just his unconscious mind saying whatever it wanted.

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