A week before the disaster IV

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Moonlight was shining brightly inside the teapot's mansion. Aether had found a way to make it night inside the teapot to make things calmer. He read somewhere that a soul could calm down easier at night meanwhile during the day they would feel more stressed. Ever since he did that he felt a bit more at ease and it was easier to control the power that kept getting bigger inside of him each second.

It was only hours away before the so-called apocalypse. Instead of panicking, the two boys decided to play TCG, a famous card game in Teyvat. It was a little stupid playing such game especially when the entire world was apparently going to end in a short time.

"Since when have you gotten so good in TCG? This is the 5th time you beat me! You might have to teach me your ways someday." The traveler spoke as he set his cards down on the table and smiled.

"Quit talking about the future. We still don't know what's going to happen in the next few hours." Xiao responded in a worried tone.

"I promised I'd stay here, didn't I?"

"Something is telling me you'll sneak behind my back when I'm not looking and leave."

Ignoring his words, the blonde started glaring at the other's hand, specifically, his ring was the thing that caught his eye. The moonlight outside was making it glow just slightly.

Aether grabbed his lover's hand and held it tight on the table, making the Yaksha drop the cards and wonder what his partner was thinking at the moment.

"I'll stay if that's what you want me to do. I trust your decision. Who knows, maybe the apocalypse won't happen and the gods will leave if I don't show up."

Even with that, the Adeptus still felt skeptical. He couldn't look the boy in the eye for almost the entire day. Something felt off about him but he couldn't tell what.

After gathering a bit of courage, he looked his boyfriend deep into his golden eyes and spoke.

"You asked me not too long ago if I liked that dance."


"Back when I took you outside to spar."

Then the blonde remembered.

"Why?" Xiao asked while he stood up and walked outside to the balcony.


"Why did you decide to waste time on dancing when you could've learned to possibly control your power? We wasted so much time that night. I don't understand this at all."

At that moment the traveler stood up and also decided to head for the balcony, he stood next to his lover and kept glancing at the ring on his finger.

"Because I wanted to."

"But why?"

"If I had to spend my last moments fighting then I would've regretted that deeply. I want to create memories with you worth remembering. I could tell the spar felt boring to you. I wish to make you happy even in my final moments."

The Yaksha began fidgeting with his ring as his partner talked.

"You're trying to give me so much yet I'm barely able to return any of that. How can you love somebody like that?"

With that, the Adeptus was warmly embraced from behind exactly like a couple of nights ago. Aether's arms wrapped tightly around him and the boy could feel his lover's breath on his neck.

"I don't care about that. You're returning the love I give to you in your own special way, and that's enough. We're mere hours away from the apocalypse and I have decided to stay here with you instead of spending time with anyone else. Please don't feel as if you need to return the favor in any kind of way."

Xiao's chest ached like never before. He hated the thought of losing his one and only in mere hours. The thought kept eating him from the inside, which formed tears in his eyes. Before they could start rolling down his cheek, the blonde caught them with his finger and wiped them away.

"Please don't die..." The Yaksha began.

"Don't worry I-"

"Please, please, please, whatever you do please don't go outside.

Don't leave me.

Please stay with me.

I don't ever want to lose you.

I hate it. I hate thinking of it so much.

I love you...I love you...I love you to death.

I want to stay with you forever...

I hate having these selfish thoughts.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I don't want you to die.

Aether, please.


Don't leave me...


As tears began uncontrollably falling down Xiao's cheeks, the traveler covered his boyfriend's mouth with his hand and held him even closer. It didn't take long before the Adeptus turned around and returned the hug, never wanting to let go. He wanted to stay like this forever but he knew it wasn't possible. He knew his partner would most likely sneak out.

Moments of silence passed and Aether removed his hand.

"I loved that dance. I really did." The boy whispered in-between sobs.

The traveler smiled without saying a word.

"Please stay. I will do anything for you, Aether. I'll get rid of the gods if they don't go away, I'll find a way to do so I swe-"

He was stopped from talking once again but this time it wasn't a hand. The blonde kissed him gently and slowly led him to bed by hand. He made the Yaksha sit down on the edge.

"I will stay. I promise. No matter what happens I will always stay by your side. I wouldn't have put a ring on your finger otherwise." The traveler started while heading towards the mirror in the room. "Go to sleep. I will join you soon."

"I love you." Said Xiao while finally giving up and throwing himself on the bed. In no time he was asleep. He had zero sleep these past few days. It finally caught up to him. His lover took one last glance at him and smiled.




.........I'm sorry."

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