Continuing point |||

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Back in the real world, a couple of months seemed to have passed since anybody heard anything of the traveler. It was almost new year's eve and the boy was nowhere to be found. Many of his friends started to get worried. Nobody knew where he could have gone off to. Nobody except the three who watched him leave.

Both Nahida and the Wanderer slowly started to think he'd never return. The dendro archon re-opened the entire house of Daena, citizens were now again allowed to enter every single room except the one at the very top.

The little girl still had a little hope that he'd return so she couldn't give up just yet. The place was carefully monitored at all times in case something happened.

As for Xiao, he didn't leave the house at all. Ever since he had seen his lover enter that portal he decided to wait until he came back. He wouldn't even sleep sometimes. The amount of worry he had was concerning. Lesser lord Kusanali would often offer him a room to sleep in or to join her on a walk but he always refused.

He knew his boyfriend would return eventually. He promised after all. The Yaksha trusted him. Even thought so many of his friends gave up on trying to figure out what happened, he knew he would come back sooner or later.

Scaramouche didn't need too much time to move on and forget everything. Sure he was upset but the death of close friends was something he wasn't surprised by anymore. It hurt, but he decided to ignore it.

Rumors started spreading that the traveler possibly died. It was all false of course. Or was it?

Just a week before new year's eve starts, the Adeptus was sitting in his usual spot in the house of Daena, waiting for his partner to return.

Everyone outside Sumeru was slowly decorating the Akademiya for celebration when the clock ticks midnight. Nahida also helped them out by making some magical decorations. It was a very special time all around Teyvat.

Every nation had its own way of celebrating. Xiao was aware of all of this. The noises from outside caught his attention but he didn't think much of it. He had lived many years, this was nothing for him.

As he was getting lost in thought, he noticed the little girl walking up to him. She had a huge grin on her face. It reminded the boy of his lover, he would always smile.

"Conqueror of demons! I'm sorry to disturb you but I've got a small quest for you. Do you think you could accept it?" She asked.

"A quest?" He was surprised that the dendro archon had some work she needed help with. It wasn't often that a god asked for help, so it had to be something serious.

"Mhm! You see, I'm sure you're aware of the accident Paimon has been in. Recently some people at a Liyue pharmacy contacted us saying that she was awake. Since they have no clue where her dear friend is, they contacted the last nation he was seen at."

Aether's traveling companion seemed to have finally woken up from her coma. It was shocking news and really unexpected. The Yaksha almost forgot all about Paimon, his thoughts were too occupied with the blonde.

"I hate to ask you this, especially in this state you're in, but could you please go get her? She doesn't need to know everything that happened on the adventure you two were on but at least tell her about the current situation her friend is in." Lesser lord Kusanali understood that if the floating fairy took too much information in at once it wouldn't end well. It could possibly give her a horrible headache.

"...Alright. I'll do it since it's for Aether." He was afraid that if he accepted the quest he couldn't come back in time. But Paimon was a close companion of his lover. He couldn't leave her alone with Baizhu.

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