Friends from afar IV

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Throughout the night the traveler woke up multiple times to check if he was still laying on the living room sofa next to Xiao. Each time nothing changed but he still had an odd feeling that those meetings with the goddess of time weren't over. Her aura could still be felt nearby.

After waking up for the sixth time the boy decided to give up trying to sleep. He had somewhere to go to and couldn't waste any more time healing. His powers have mostly returned meaning he could attempt to heal himself from fatigue.

He saw the Yaksha sitting on a chair nearby with his eyes closed. He didn't seem like he was sleeping but merely resting his eyes.

The second he heard the blonde move, his eyes opened.

"You're still alive. Go back to sleep."

Aether ignored what the other said and got up. He walked over to the sink and grabbed a glass of water and drank it in one go. He wasn't planning to sleep anymore.

"Are you tired?" The boy asked his lover while unconscious healing the fatigue. The need to vomit completely disappeared in a few seconds.

"Just slightly. I see you're feeling better. The goddess of time didn't pay you a visit again did she?"

The traveler shook his head and walked over to his partner. He gently cupped his cheeks and some golden glow appeared in his hands. The small eyebags from the Adeptuses' cheeks slowly faded away.

"...let's forget about what happened last night. Alright?" He asked embarrassingly. There was a possibility that it all was just one stupid dream and that none of that happened.

Making the Yaksha worry even more wasn't his goal. Perhaps all the events that happened recently lead to poor mental health which made him get such a dream.

"I get that you're exhausted from dealing with these kinds of things all the time, but are you sure you just want to leave it be? I still have a connection to dreams. I could look into it if you want." Xiao suggested as he sat up and hugged his boyfriend lightly.

"It's best to forget it ever happened. I was thinking to accept the dendro archon's invitation letter. Do you want to come along?"

"Sure. If that's what makes you happy. But what about Paimon? Surely you aren't going to leave her alone again."

"She's already there. When I woke up for the third time last night I went to her room and told her to go. I figured it would be more fun for her to leave the teapot a little bit before us. She hasn't talked to anyone in a long time..."

The two boys got ready in no time and headed for Sumeru. They decided to not use any sort of abilities to teleport and just take a walk. It was guaranteed to take some hours but it was good for both of their health.

While walking the Adeptus noticed how the red eyeliner he tried putting onto his lover's eyes a few nights ago was still there. He smiled to himself. It was weird how it managed to stay on for that long but either way, it looked good.

"What are you laughing about?" Questioned Aether wondering why the boy smiled for a split second.

"Your eyeliner."

The blonde had actually reapplied the eyeliner while Xiao was asleep. He liked how it looked on him and that his eyes worked way better than before. He could also have matching eyes with his lover. It was a little cliché but he decided to do it anyway.

"Oh? It didn't come off yet? I guess we're matching until it comes off." He Joked.

"How come most mortal couples like trying to 'match' with one another?"

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