To love or to hate?

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So many emotions were flowing through the Yaksha's head at the moment, but there was one thing he was certain about. He didn't want to let go of Aether anymore. He held his hand tightly as the two walked together somewhere far away from the rest of the people at Wangshu Inn. If anyone were to notice the God of space and time in the middle of nowhere it would cause a huge ruckus.

The blonde was far more than just a traveler now. He explained how after Istaroth passed away he made a last-second decision to take over the role of God of time in Teyvat, and with it came great responsibility, or so he thought. Ever since he managed to fix most of Teyvat's issues, he realized there wasn't much to do as a god.

Not one day had passed since the incident that he hadn't thought about Xiao. He wanted to visit him as quickly as possible but he was afraid of what his reaction would be. After all, Aether did lie to him and managed to break a very important promise.

It didn't take too much thinking before he got the idea to disguise himself as somebody from Khaenri'ah. While taking a small trip to Fontaine he saw some star-shaped eye contacts and figured he could use them. Hair wasn't such a huge problem because hoods existed.

The two boys finally made a stop at a random pond. Xiao's grip on Aether's hand wouldn't soften even after sitting down. He hugged the blonde and stayed silent for a while.

"...You aren't mad?" The God asked.

"You're stupid, you're so stupid. Of course, I am mad!"

"Then why are you being so touchy!?"

"...Don't leave."


His feelings were all over the place. The Adeptus felt weird being the clingy one but he didn't want to let go. If he let go again who knew when would be the next time the two meet?

"Don't ever leave like that again...Please. If you're leaving I'm coming with you. The moment I met you again last night was the first time my eyes opened clearly in months." Xiao stated while still embracing the other.

Aether smiled warmly even though Xiao couldn't see it. He hugged him back.

It had been a long time since the two last hugged. The blonde felt stupid for not coming any time earlier. He had been watching the Yaksha during the whole tune but he was too ashamed to show up. Finally being able to hold him made the God so happy.

"Xiao, I'm curious, how did you instantly know it was me?"

"It wasn't instantly. I noticed when you pulled out the purple piece of cloth that you call a tissue."

The purple piece! It was the piece that the blonde kept as a lucky charm. He was too concerned about the boy's bleeding head to notice what he was using to wipe it off.

"...ah, that's...heh."

It took some time and silence but after a ton of hugging and crying while trying to explain everything that was going on, Aether finally pulled away from the hug and cupped the Adepti's cheeks while smiling awkwardly as he cried. He wasn't sure if those were tears of shame or joy, either way, it felt nice to let emotions out every once in a while.

He observed the boy, looking at every detail. Xiao wasn't sure what exactly he was doing but he didn't care as long as he was with him, he reached out his hand and wiped the blonde's tears away with his finger.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you everything from the start. This time, I promise this is my first memory of this moment. I haven't been going through multiple worlds ever since then. I love you, Xiao...I realized that far too late. I know it will be difficult for you to forgive me but I'm willing to try and earn your forgiveness. If you want I could delete your memories and-"

The Spark [Xiao x Aether]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt