All over again |||

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Quite some time seemed to have passed ever since the two boys fell asleep on a lonely grass field unconscious. Nothing tried to wake either of them up, the nature seemed very silent. It was peaceful. A bit too peaceful.

Aether was the first to wake up, he blinked a few times before realizing he was for some reason on the ground, for some reason his head felt like it was laying on a pillow, it didn't feel as hard as he expected it to be. He rubbed his eyes and looked up only to meet his lover's adorable sleeping face.

He wasn't sure on why the Adeptus even let him rest on his lap like that, it was very unlikely of him. Usually it was the Traveler making the first move, but he wasn't complaining. His head felt soft and relaxed, but for some reason he couldn't remember anything before he fell asleep.

As the boy was trying to recollect his memory, he realized that he was still in liyue, his latest memory was fighting the invisible creature. Everything since then seemed to have completley faded away from his mind.

Eventually Xiao managed to wake up aswell, he noticed his partner was awake and lost in thought.

"Good morning...or evening?" Spoke Aether as he looked up to his boyfriend's face and smiled warmly.

"Evening I assume. Are you feeling any better?" Questioned the Yaksha as he put his hand on the other's forehead to measure his temperature. He seemed pretty neutral so the boy wasn't too worried.

"I'm doing good, since you let me rest on you like this..." he Joked with a small smirk on his face, with his head still on the Adeptuses lap.

"The ground seemed too rough, so I figured I'd let you sleep like this..." Xiao looked away, barely keeping himself from gaining a small blush on his cheek.

The traveler observed their surroundings a bit more, trying to make sense of what happened. He got up in a sitting position next to his lover to be able to see the situation around them better.

"Where are we...what happened? Why were we unconscious?"

He had a very confused expression, the yaksha felt a little relieved yet puzzled as to why he couldn't remember anything. It was most likely a side effect to the nausea, but how strong was that power actually?

For some reason Xiao felt happy knowing he was unconscious when he mentioned all those hopeless thoughts.

"You passed out. I tried taking you to Wangshu Inn but I myself started feeling weak along the way."

"How are you feeling now? Do let me know if you feel any sort of discomfort. Your health matters as much as mine, despite the situation."

The Yaksha smiled slightly, Aether really seemed to care a lot about him.

"Don't worry about me, we've got other things to worry about. The nausea didn't take as much of my energy as it did of yours."

The two needed to figure out what they should do, and where they should go from now on. Wherever they went, Lumine would know their location. It didn't matter if they traveled to the end of the world, her powers would still reach them.

"Lumine..." Whispered the blonde under his breath, he didn't feel sad like usually when talking about his sister, instead he was paranoid. It took him a long time to find a life he was fine living, and she decides to crumble it into pieces. "If only there was a safe way to remove a god from it's past existence..."

"Past existence? What are you hinting at?" Questioned the confused Yaksha.

The traveler had a guilty look on his face for a split second, Xiao noticed it but didn't wish to comment.

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