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Everything was in utter chaos. Aether was murdering multiple ancient gods in seconds. No matter how many he murdered, only more would come.

The entire Teyvat was just one big mess.

Everything was terrifying.

Back on Istaroth's side everything was exactly the opposite. She was sitting at her table drinking her calming tea. Tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks.

She was unable to watch over Teyvat. She mentally couldn't force herself to. She was so exhausted from doing this over and over. This time it felt like something had changed. But has it really? The ring on Xiao's finger never appeared the previous times the goddess met up with him, but that made no sense.

How could something have changed in his and the traveler's relationship if every single world was very similar to one another?

The ring shouldn't be there.

Istaroth was ready to rip her hair out thinking about what might have changed. There were many things that needed to be gone over first to reach a conclusion on what may have happened in this world that didn't occur in the others. 

With one hand movement, the goddess created bubbles that seemed to have memories from the past in them. She carefully looked over every memory the two boys shared together from each world. Every memory was the exact same.

Nothing made sense.

"Curses! Why is that ring there!? Have I perhaps been hallucinating? No...I saw with my very own eyes that the ring was only there this one time! But why?...the young traveler couldn't possibly have..." Istaroth spoke to herself. She did that quite often since she knew she was alone and wouldn't embarass herself in any way.

Just when she started reaching a conclusion to the big question, something entered her hidden realm where space or time did not exist. She felt a familiar figure enter but she couldn't think of who it could be. According to some vitals she kept, the Yaksha was awake in Teyvat and so was the traveler. It couldn't have been any of them so why did the aura feel so familiar? There was no one else the goddess invited to this place.

"It's been a while hasn't it? I hope you liked that tea of yours because it is certainly going to be the last one you'll be having dear Istaroth." A familiar female voice spoke.

"So you have finally decided to show up after so long? I must say I'm surprised. I was going to visit you myself but since you're already here..." The goddess of time spoke, finally realizing who it was.

A loud chuckle was heard from within the realm but nobody showed up, which made things a whole lot difficult meaning Istaroth couldn't try attacking the person who dared disturb the little peace she had.

"You look so confused right now, dear Istaroth. I'm loving this sight of you. Maybe I shouldn't kill you at all but keep you paranoid for a couple hundred of years until you finally give up on trying to figure out who's identity is real and who's is fake." The voice spoke once more.

The goddess couldn't do anything. She was held at gunpoint. Her calm space instantly turned into a jail from the looks of it. She could only hope things were going better for the two boys.

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