Freedom |||

694 40 13

"Come on! I swear on lord Barbatos that I will pay you the proper amount next time If you let me pay now with a song! You won't regret a thing." A high voice spoke from somewhere behind the counter, as the two boys stepped into the most famous place in Mondstadt, Angel's share.

"Either you pay up right now or you're cleaning dishes with Kaeya."

"Look at me master Diluc, does it look like I have any money on me currently? Come on spare me this time..."

A very famous red haired man and Venti were arguing in a room in the back of the bar, they were so loud that the entire tavern could hear them, but nobody seemed bothered, everyone just continued drinking and didn't mind at all.

Aether started regretting agreeing to come here with the Adeptus, there were tons of drunk people and barely anyone could stand anymore. It was night after all, at such times this was usual behavior from the people who visit the tavern everyday. What bothered him the most though, was that the bard seemed to be a little tipsy aswell. Introducing him to his lover may not be a good idea when the boy's had far too many glasses of wine.

The blonde took one look at Xiao, he didn't seem too bothered by the situation, instead he was looking directly at the room the two men argued in, it seemed like he recognized the voice.

"Uhm, maybe we should leave, he seems a little...disoriented right now." Whispered the traveler to the Yaksha, while turning back to the door they just came through.

But right before they could leave, the door opened. Revealing a bard with a really messy hair and an annoyed look on his face, as for the owner of the tavern, he just looked disappointingly at him one last time before leaving to serve customers upstairs, he didn't even notice the boy at the door.

Venti was holding two huge bottles of alcohol in his hand, he put them on the counter and rubbed his eyes a little, right before the two could leave, he noticed them.

"Traveler!" He yelled out in a tired and lazy tone.

"Yeah no, I'm not talking to you until you're sober." Responded Aether with a cold tone to his voice.

He and his partner left the tavern, closing the doors behind them.

"Was that really the same guy with the flute...?" Questioned the Adeptus with a surprised look. He couldn't believe they were the same person, was this some kind of joke?

His boyfriend had to cover his face and look away.

"Yes." He said simply, embarrassed by the first impression Venti made on the boy.

Before the blonde could explain anything to Xiao, a person suddenly came rushing through the doors of the tavern, almost breaking them from how fast they opened in just one push. Some of the customers inside were startled but didn't say anything.

"Traveler, wait!" He managed as he tried to catch his breath. "Don't leave yet, come now, let's go somewhere more private to talk."

He still looked tipsy but Aether had no choice but to follow him to the place he was leading him to. They seemed to be going outside of the city on the fishing place where many fishermen go in the day time.

The bard looked like a drunk mess, he completley forgot about the meeting from all the alcohol he had, now he was the embarrassed one. How ironic.

Nobody could he heard at the fishing site near the tavern, fishing in the dark made no sense so the boy with braids figured it should be the closest quiet place he could take the two boys to.

Before saying anything, lord Barbatos snapped his fingers making him sober once again. His hair also got fixed and there weren't any drink stains on his clothes. The eyes of the boy also seemed to have gotten lighter than they were when he was trashed.

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