The view

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Xiao sat on the edge of the cliff looking at all the beautiful lights that shined under him. Being able to see Liyue glowing so much was a rare sight. It seemed like tonight was a rather special night.

The atmosphere was calm and no sound was heard except for the Traveler's and the Yaksha's breaths and the cold yet refreshing wind. The sun had slowly fully disappeared making the view even more admirable. The city was beautiful both day and night, the only difference was the darkness that made the lights stand out quite a lot.

Aether couldn't believe how beautiful the view was, he went through many adventures ever since he landed in Teyvat but this specific place seemed to really click with him. No people, no monsters, and a really quiet enjoyable mountain behind the Golden House. It felt like a perfect place to gather his thoughts.

Soon after he was done staring at the lights the blonde boy took a seat next to his companion.

"You seem quite amazed."

"That's because I am, I never noticed the true beauty of Liyue's night light."

The Adeptus sighed. "I'm Assuming it's mostly from being way too occupied with adventuring and exploring other regions that you haven't noticed."

Aether looked at the ground, clearly showing some signs of guilt because he barely ever has time to find places like this. Even after he found his sister everyone always needed something of him, making him never have the time to explore every corner of the world anymore like he did when he first arrived here.

"I suppose that's the case.."

Xiao noticed how upset he looked. "I don't understand how you mortals don't just quit doing something if it harms your emotions in any kind of way. You have the option to quit adventuring and be free. You have your freedom but still, choose to waste it. Pathetic. "

His words sounded offending but the Traveler couldn't deny any of the words the Adeptus spoke.

"I'm not sure where I would go and what I would do, besides I can't just leave all the people I've met here alone."

"Befriending someone doesn't necessarily mean you have to help them at all times." The Adeptus understood what it felt like to constantly be seen as a 'little helper' by everyone, his companion was always running around trying to figure out a way to please everyone, even if it annoyed him he still did it. It seemed like he doesn't have a choice. The annoyed look on his face when someone asked for something easily gave it away.

Aether chucked embarrassingly trying to change the subject. "Heh..guess it really is obvious how tiring it is sometimes." He looked into Xiao's eyes. He seemed like he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth but hesitated for a second and immediately closed it.

"Cat got your tongue?" Teased the traveler.


"It's an old saying Mondstaders use when they forget the words they were going to say."

He hesitated once more before finally speaking up. "If you ever plan on leaving Teyvat and everyone behind, I want you to keep in mind that I'll always be there when you call out my name. No matter how far, as long as I'm alive."

The blonde boy smiled looking back at the ground with less guilt in his eyes than before.

"Are you afraid I'll abandon you if I manage to leave this world someday?"

"I am simply fulfilling my duties as an Adeptus and one of the last remaining Yakshas."

"Was bringing me here one of your duties?" Xiao's words sounded a tiny bit hurtful now, but Aether was used to his way of talking to people by now. In his perspective, the guy sitting next to him seemed like a person who is unable to Express any kind of feeling, but still, it felt like the Adeptus wasn't completely emotionless. He might not be a mortal but even the most insane beasts and creatures of all time experience feelings. It would be sad if someone like him didn't feel anything.

"...this is something I wanted to do...I suppose you could see this as my 'thank you' for helping me out and healing my wounds some time ago, I never required your help but I still need to pay you back somehow."

The traveler moved his eyes once again, this time looking at the stars that have started to appear all of a sudden. He wanted to help his companion as much as he could, but his annoying stubbornness of his never went away. He acts so tough yet seems so vulnerable.

"Lay down, please."

Xiao looked at him weirdly. "Is there a particular reason for that?"

"Just do it."

He did as Aether requested, but right before he could put his head on the ground to fully lay down, the blonde boy grabbed it and put his head on his lap. The Yaksha's head was now resting in a mortal's lap, if any other adepti saw him like this he surely would've been teased by them, especially by cloud retainer.


"I want you to be comfortable, you seemed tired."

"I've told you numerous times that I-"

He got cut off by the traveler's hand slightly covering his mouth, making him unable to continue the sentence he started. Aether kept the hand there until he felt like Xiao wouldn't try to say his stupid excuse anymore. He truly believed there were some emotions hidden within him.

The Adeptus looked up and met those glowing crystal eyes that stood above him, now there was no way of looking away. No matter how hard he tried, keeping eye contact with the traveler started getting uneasy for him. Aether started going through his companion's beautiful hair with his fingers. It seemed to have calmed Xiao down a bit. It's rare to see him completely let his guard down and relax. His eyes slowly closed unexpectedly, showing that he really did feel tired.

Throughout the entire walk, they went on today the Yaksha's eyes looked more gloomy than usual, and there were eyebags under them and the eyeliner he normally wore was smeared strangely, all from the day before the traveler found him completely destroyed by that lake.

"I know this is hard to ask of you..but I want you to be comfortable at all times when you're around me, I want you to be able to trust me, I want to be someone you can rely on. I wanna be your friend, not some mortal you have to look out for, Xiao. Please don't be afraid to ever ask me if you're in a need of something. Unlike some others, I'm really happy to be helping you, you aren't as annoying and demanding as some certain people I've helped, and I really admire that about you. Do feel free to let your guard down around me, it isn't a demand but a wish I expect to see more happen in the future..."

A long silence took a turn after Aether let all that out loud.

The Yaksha was silent but attempted to open his eyes and stare at the boy above him with a surprised look on his face.

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