Forever |||

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"That's so hard to believe...So you managed to get all your powers back INCLUDING those super cool wings you told me about back when you fished me out of that lake?" Paimon questioned in an amazed tone. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

After the Traveler recovered mentally, he decided it was finally time to tell his friend about what happened and explain to his lover how he was able to heal so quickly.

Back when Aether and Lumine stayed in Khaenri'ah. They were the most powerful beings back then. Everyone saw them as royalties and nobody would dare try to battle with them. As a gift before leaving the world, the boy was given the ability to heal wounds, meanwhile, his sister was gifted a flower.

It did seem a little unfair but she didn't mind. She wasn't the type to always get cut on her body since she was better at handling her protection than her brother. He on the other hand always kept getting hurt. Despite them both being immortal, they would still get wounds that hurt.

"Yep. All my memories have returned as well. It feels strange gaining so much information all at once but I'm happy that all the loopholes in my brain got filled." Answered Aether.

"Would you say you've gotten stronger?" Yaksha asked curiously. The two spared a couple of times way before they have gotten so close and usually neither would win. They were equally strong back then so there was a huge possibility that the blonde got stronger.

The boy got a little embarrassed and looked away before responding.

"Most likely yes, but I haven't gotten a chance to test my strength out...I'll also probably have to practice a lot in order to get used to everything that's new."

While waiting in the house of Daena for his partner to return, Xiao decided to sharpen his polearm in case a fight was about to happen. He had nothing better to do so getting ready for a possible battle was the only thing that crossed his mind at such a time.

He was hoping to test it out on a hilichurl or any kind of enemy but the Adeptus never got the chance. Despite agreeing to take a break from the mask, he still wished to keep a track of his strength.

"Hey, watch it. I don't want to see you forcing the traveler to fight!" Complained the white-haired girl with a pout. She knew that the Yaksha didn't mean anything bad with the question, he most likely was just curious.

The three were sitting on a sofa in the teapot's living room, chatting the entire morning. It was peaceful and nobody disturbed them. If only days like those could last forever.

"I'm as worried about him as you are, Paimon. You don't need to worry about me forcing him into anything he isn't comfortable doing."

"You guys are making it sound like I'm a kid." Muttered the blonde in an annoyed tone. He was glad that the two cared about him but their constant tension made it feel like a competition.

"Hmph! You should be happy we care!" Paimon complained once more.

"I am happy! Just, please keep the tension to a minimum. My head is starting to hurt."

Paimon laughed then excused herself for a moment. She wanted to go outside and have a chat with Tubby. The two got along really well before this entire catastrophe happened so the floating pixie wanted to catch up with an old friend. Other than that, she felt like a third wheel with the two boys. She enjoyed their company but couldn't get used to them being in a relationship. It felt too odd.

The two looked at each other awkwardly before one decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to spar outside the mansion? It could help you get used to the new abilities you just gained." Xiao wondered. "If you aren't ready yet then no need to feel pressured."

The Spark [Xiao x Aether]Where stories live. Discover now