Figuring yourself out ||

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Aether woke up with horrible back pains from the night before, that tree he slided down against really made him be stuck in miserable pain. He wanted to stretch to try to see if it will get better, it normally always helped in such situations, but as he tried to get up in a sitting position something pulled him back down. He noticed how hard Xiao was gripping onto his hand. The Adeptus seemed to still be fast asleep, it seemed like that even in his sleep he was keeping his guard up.

The traveler wanted to wake him up but couldn't. He didn't have the heart. His companion was sleeping so peacefully, disturbing him would feel like a crime. Even if people such as him don't require much sleep it seemed like he really needed a rest such as that.

His eyes seemed a tiny bit red from the sudden crying that happened the previous night, making that another reason for him to continue his deep sleep. Aether didn't want to let go off his hand. It seemed like physical contact really helped with those nightmares of his.

It felt like half of the day had already gone by. The sun was in the middle of the sky looking down upon them. Birds started singing their tunes and people could be heard in the distance chatting and handling business matters. Typical day that happens in Liyue.

The poor blonde boy's hand was starting to swell from how hard his companion was gripping it, now not only was his back torturing him but so was the Adeptus.

He shook Xiao as gentle and he could and whispered in a soft tone.

"Hey um. Are you awake?"

His eyes snapped open in an instant. The grip on the hand immediately dissapeared aswell. He got up and rubbed his eyes with his arm sleeve.

"How long have I been asleep for..." he asked after looking around the sky for a few moments.

"More than twelve hours, it seems like you're feeling much better." Smiled Aether As he finally sat up to stretch his back. It hurt a lot but he didn't want to mention anything to the boy laying next to him. Besides it was just a couple scratches, nothing an adventurer couldn't handle.

"This might've been the most I've ever slept it seems." He started. "...No nightmares seemed to appear in my vision this time."

"If you ever need somebody to hold your hand for you to peacefully fall asleep, call me." Teased the Traveler to see what kind of reaction he could pull out of the Yaksha.

"That sounds humiliating and childish. There's no need for you to do such things." He mutterd. He was embarrased that a mortal could ever calm him down enough to fall asleep like that.

"It was neither of those things. I was merely trying to make sure you're rested well."

Xiao got up and noticed how much better he felt, his suffering seemed to have dissapeared while he was sleeping. Normally when the Adeptus saw the sun rise his entire body would ache and his head would hurt like it was being stabbed by the roughest blades in all of Teyvat. But now it was the complete opposite.

He also noticed how warm his hand was, he stared at it before realizing that last night he did infact take up on his companions offer to hold it, he originally planned to only hold it for a couple seconds and then let go, simply to please Aether's request and not make him worry.

"Have I really held your hand for the entire night..?" His eyes then slowly focused on the Traveler's hand that seemed to be a little hurt.

"You did, and that's completley fine." Reassured him the blonde boy. His hand may have hurt a little but his back pains made it feel like nothing was ever there. He realized that the Yaksha was staring at his hand with strange look in his eyes.

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