Feelings ||

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"Keep it down I don't want my sister to hear you!"

"I'm sorry, it's just so weird to see you be interested in love."

"He was the one that kissed me the first time...don't make it sound like I was way too interested."


"Paimon! Keep it down."


Right after that night where all the special bonding the two decided to go their separate ways, Xiao felt like it was finally time he continued doing his duty and Aether went back to his sister and Paimon. The Yaksha had figured out it had been too long since he last went patrolling around the city, he told his companion that they should spent some time apart until Xiao makes up for all the duty he hasn't been doing for the last month.

The traveler and Paimon were now talking about how life had been with Xiao for the time he stayed over with him. The blonde boy decided not to lie to his best friend like he did to his sister the night before when the two of them visited. He trusted the floating fairy and told her the actual reason he and the Yaksha spent so much time together. He filled her in on the whole story, besides he really needed somebody to talk to after what had happened recently. Paimon was a very good listener and supported every decision her companion made.

Paimon could not believe her ears the moment Aether mentioned the kisses he and his friend exchanged last night. Many people have confessed to him during their travels but he always turned them down, hearing that he kissed someone was a huge surprise.

"But wait...does that mean he's your boyfriend now?" Asked the girl curiously.

The traveler blushed looking annoyed by that question.

"He's not. We haven't talked about it since then. But I'm sure we will once he has time to talk things out, all the sudden need to continue fulfilling his duty is a little suspicious. Maybe he's just shy and needs to calm his mind down..."

"Hmm okay sounds reasonable! Paimon would've been out of brain juice too if she ever kissed someone!"

"But what if it's not brain juice he's out of. What if he regretted it..."

Paimon placed her hand on the traveler's shoulder to comfort him.

"I doubt he did! Besides did you not notice the way he looks at you?"

Cloud Retainer said something similar to that not too long ago, did the Adeptus really look at his companion in a certain way? He only noticed that he was too afraid to look him in the eyes sometimes, but he thought it was something connected to karmic debt being able to transfer through eye contact or something similar.

Aether did tell Paimom the entire story, expect one small detail. He never mentioned that 'dream' he had that was connected to Xiao's mind. He knew that the flying fairy would instantly try to convince him to not hang out with the Yaksha anymore for the sake of the blonde boy's health.

Paimon was an amazing best friend, she always stayed on the traveler's side no matter what. Ever since he saved her from drowning the two became best buddies. Some even say they have one of the strongest friendship bonds in all of Teyvat. But yet again he had to keep that small secret away from her.

Before Paimon could continue asking questions, the door from Lumines room opened. She yawned as her eyes immediately spotted her dear brother.

"Oh! You're back from your mission? How did it go?"

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