Chapter 66: Blood splash

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"I know everything Fiorella, I found out about it, I know that you are perfectly aware of the fact that I killed your father." Tito mutters.

Fiorella is staring at him dumbstruck, she never imagined that he could be this cunny, he has fooled her so well.

"You never lost your memory?" Fiorella said like a question.

Tito sighs. "I never lost my memories, I remember you and the kids,"

Fiorella gasps in shock, she closes her eyes and a fake laugh escapes from her. "You mean that, this was an act, you were only pretending, huh? It was all a show so you can maybe kill me like you killed my father?"

"Why did you never tell me anything? Why did you hide the fact that you knew about it?"

"Are you really asking me these absurd and useless questions, I should be asking you, you bastard! You killed my father and you hid it from me, you looked me in the face everyday, kissed my lips, we fûcking had s*x and you still never cared to apologise or confess your crimes?" Fiorella yells and pulls down his hands from her arms.

"You were out for revenge right, Ella?"

He looks heartbroken asking that question, he has feelings for a woman who hates him deeply, whose father was killed by him, she only wants revenge, how could he have been such a fool?

"What do you think? what do you want me to say? You killed my father in my presence, I saw everything, I watched from the cupboard how he was shot in the arm, how you ordered him to be beaten to death, I witnessed everything," Fiorella shrieks, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Papa was always nice, he would never hurt anyone but you had to kill him in such a brutal way!" Fiorella cries loudly.

"Nice?" Tito chuckles at her words.

She never knew her father, he was an undercover for their family, he killed people, lots of people, he was involved in drug trafficking, destroying people's life by giving them contraband drugs, Caesar Evette had a company where thousands of fake drugs were produced which cost people like their lives, innocent people!.

"Yes, he was a good man, we were always contented with whatever we had, I don't know how he got into business with a criminal like you," Fiorella sobs, hatefully glaring at him, those disdainful eyes were back.

"Your papa was nowhere near a good man, He was a Panale(criminal) , a bandito, he killed people too, he made other children fatherless, so Evette is far from being a Saint or a nice person," Tito mutters forming a quotation sign with his hands using two fingers.

"Don't talk about my Papa like that, you know nothing, you are just a big fat liar, Enzo was right, how could you have thought that...'' Fiorella trails off to catch her breath, the shortage of breath is repeating itself.

"Uhhh" She takes a deep breath to calm herself. "How did you know about my revenge?" Fiorella asks, not denying her aim anymore.

"The day I was in your house before I had the accident, a maid called that she had seen a hidden camera in my house, I have no cameras in my house for some reasons, I tried talking to Shawnte but he wasn't answering my calls, I had to contact one of my men to track down the location through the camera and he discovered that it was linked to an apartment owned by Enzo, I knew there was something fishy, I had woken up a week before you and the kids came, I did my investigation and found out about everything, you were trying to find evidence to incriminate me and you succeeded," Tito explains, still saddened by it.

Fiorella presses her lips together and questions curiously. "Why didn't you stop Enzo from taking it to the police"

He changes his tone to a solemn one. "B-because, I felt guilty about everything, I never for once enjoyed facing you and knowing fully well that I was once responsible for your misery, I have killed one or two..."

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