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"I'm glad your fever has gone down a bit, Yi-gyeol-ssi."

Piiik, pik!

As Min Ah-rin brought the porridge, I hugged the whining Fox and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry. Everyone must be surprised."

"Of course, we were surprised."

"I'm feeling a little better though, so I'll go back to work tomorrow."

Min Ah-rin, who set the bowl of porridge down on the bedside table, looked at me.

"Feeling better? Your fever is still high. You need to rest for two or three days."

"But if I don't go, the seat will be vacant, so it's a burden to others..."

"Yi-gyeol-ssi. If you keep doing this, I can't stand it any longer."

"Par, pardon?"

At the unexpected declaration, I stiffened my shoulders and moved a little further away from Min Ah-rin. Regardless, Min Ah-rin continued with a cold gaze.

"If you don't take care of yourself like this...!"

If I don't...?

"I would ask our Master to take care of you."


For a moment, I wondered if I had heard it wrong and Min Ah-rin opened her mouth again.

"I'm going to entrust Yi-gyeol-ssi's care to Master. Master Cheon Sa-yeon."

Cheon Sa-yeon's taking care of me? I thought about the things that Min Ah-rin had done for me, overlaid with Cheon Sa-yeon.

Cheon Sa-yeon that put an antipyretic sheet on my forehead... Cheon Sa-yeon that brought me porridge... Cheon Sa-yeon who scolded me to be careful next time...

'Crazy, I hate it so much.'

When I was imagining Cheon Sa-yeon holding a spoon full of porridge with a smirk at me, I shook my head and desperately clinged to Min Arin.

"Wa, wait a minute. Min Ah-rin-ssi. Please don't do that..."

"I don't like it. I also made up my mind."

"Please no!"

"What no?"

Park Geon-ho, who had just entered the room, interrupted with a bewildered expression. I thought it was time, so I turned my attention to Park Geon-ho.

"It's nothing. Are you ready to go out?"

"Yeah. How are you feeling?"

To Park Geon-ho's question, Min Ah-rin sighed and answered instead of me.

"It's not good yet. He still has a fever and keeps coughing."

"Oh my. I'm glad the fever has gone down a bit."

"If he takes a fever-reducer, he will be fine, but... I'm worried that his cough isn't easily cured with medicines sold at the pharmacy. We can't go to the hospital too."

"It's okay. I'm also a healthier A-rank compared to ordinary people."

When I smiled awkwardly and said a word, Min Ah-rin glared at me again. Oh man, this time I thought she was really, really angry.

"A normal A-rank wouldn't catch a cold in the first place."

Park Geon-ho said jokingly and held out the bowl of porridge on the side table to me.

"You eat porridge, take medicine and sleep more. As you asked, I will do the job well for you."


I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now