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「Precautions when entering the Deus Art Museum auction

1. After entering, please call each other by pseudonyms.

2. Get a mask from the staff and wear it.

3. Do not leave the room you are directed to.

4. Please use the button placed in the room to participate in the auction.

5. Those who violate the above will be penalized.」

"They tell us to wear a mask."

After entering, we couldn't even say our names, but we were going to cover our faces... I don't know what the hell they are trying to do.

"It would be safer to go together as much as possible."

Cheon Sa-yeon put the card in the inside pocket of his jacket with an uneasy look as to whether the content on the card was offensive.

As we entered the museum, another staff member approached us with a smile.

"Welcome. Three parties?"


"I will guide you to the auction house."

Following the staff, we crossed the main hall and headed right.

'Are we using another passage?'

The underground stairs, which I knew beforehand, were still locked with a large door. The staff who passed in front stopped in front of the elevator at the innermost part of the building.

"Please get in."

The rather old elevator was small enough for four people to get on. When I got on there, the staff pressed the button on the third underground floor.

Uung, the elevator rattled down with loud noise as it was old.

When we reached the third underground floor, the elevator door creaked open. The hallway outside the door was very dark and narrow.

"I hope you have a great time."

As we got off, the staff greeted us and went back up the elevator again. As I looked around the hallway where I could feel the cold air, I said in a low voice.

"I didn't know we would come down to the third underground floor."

"It looks like they have prepared a lot for this and that."

Cheon Sa-yeon, who spoke leisurely, pointed to the staff standing at the end of the hallway and the golden door with a chin. I noticed that beyond that door was where the auction took place.

"Welcome. Please choose a mask for entry."

The staff held out a tray with various masks on it. Most of them were masks that only covered the eyes.

"These three would be the best."

Cheon Sa-yeon picked up the mask with me and Ha Tae-heon, who was thinking about what would be better.

I was about to say that he had chosen it too hastily, but I noticed that the mask that Cheon Sa-yeon chose was the right size and didn't block the view.

'He has good eyesight anyway.'

All three were black masks, but unlike Cheon Sa-yeon's mask without any accessories, Ha Tae-heon's mask was studded with blue jewels and mine was sprinkled with golden powder. After putting on the mask, the staff opened the door.

"Please come in."

I entered the auction house, touching the mask hanging over my shoulder. I was nervous in my own way at the organizers' actions for forcing even a mask due to lack of a pseudonym, but I frowned at the scene unfolding in front of me.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now