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Piik! Piiik!

Fox dug his claws into my clothes and cried bitterly. I spoke soothingly, unable to move Fox, which was hanging languidly, for fear of getting hurt.

"I'll be right back."

Piik! Piik!

Why is he like this today? Originally, he would wait patiently wherever I went. My heart weakened when I saw him crying and crying.

I can't help it. I sighed as I held Fox in my arms.

"The outer invisibility must never be removed. Okay?"


Fox quickly snuggled up to me and wagged his tail.

Well, I was so busy these past few days that I often left Fox in my room when I was away. I think he was very lonely by himself.

Today, Kim Woo-jin, Min Ah-rin, and Kwon Jeong-han were all away. It was a rare day where the room was quiet because we had been called by our respective teams. So it seems like Fox is begging to be taken away.

I left the room with the invisible Fox on my shoulder. As I went out in front of the guild building, I immediately saw Ha Tae-heon's car waiting for me.

"Hello, Ha Tae-heon-ssi."

Ha Tae-heon nodded briefly and placed a paper bag on my leg as I greeted him as I got into the passenger seat.

"What is this?"

A fragrant smell passed my nose. I wanted to know, so I opened the bag, and freshly made, warm toast appeared. Come to think of it, it was lunch time.

"Thank you. Am I the only one eating this?"

"I ate before leaving."

Since Kim Woo-jin wasn't around, I hadn't even had a single meal. As I happily lifted a piece of toast, Fox sitting on my shoulder removed his invisibility.


The fox that smelled toast stretched out his front paws, his eyes shining brightly. No matter where I looked, he was showing a desire for toast, so I passed over one toast. There were three toasts in the paper bag.

While sharing toast with Fox, the car quickly moved to the address where the people who illegally accessed the gate lived.

The H37 area gate that was targeted was difficult to get to directly as it was near the East Sea, but it was worth visiting since the people who committed the crime live on the outskirts of Seoul.

"They're not the ones revealed to the media, are they?"


Ordinary people may not even know that something illegal like this happened. This was only known to us who deliberately searched for information.

'Well, the guild management headquarters probably knew but pretended not to know and moved on.'

Fox, who had eaten his fill of toast, curled up and laid down on my leg with a satisfied look. I also put away the toast bag and picked up my papers instead.

The Cent Guild, which owns the H37 area gate, hid the incident as soon as they realized that there were people accessing the gate through illegal means.

This was because they had been warned several times due to gate management issues, so if they were caught again, they could have their ownership of gate management completely taken away.

However, the H37 area gate was in a bad location and was a small gate with no significant advantages. There was no guild that came forward to take charge of such a gate. Even if ownership is taken away from Cent, things will only get more complicated.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now