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Elahah told me to rest as much as possible, but there were two injured people on the team, so I couldn't just wait quietly.

We went back to the Requiem Guild. Kwon Jeong-han was immediately taken into the operating room with a team of doctors and healers, and Min Ah-rin, who had exhausted a lot of her energy, was also taken to the hospital room. Both needed stability.

Since we didn't know when Elahah would return and open the passage, everyone except Kwon Jeong-han and Min Ah-rin gathered in my room on the 23rd floor. Unlike usual, the living room, with three people missing, felt strangely empty.

It was the same at Cheon Sa-yeon's house, but when I came to the room on the 23rd floor where I stayed with Kim Woo-jin, Min Ah-rin, Kwon Jeong-han, and Fox, the feeling of loss was too great. So I left my teammates behind and went into the bedroom as if running away.

I knew other people were having a hard time too, but I didn't want to show that I was tired in front of them. I sat down on the bed and ran my hands down my dry face.

My mind was a mess, as if a storm had passed by. Min Ah-rin, who vomited blood and collapsed, Kwon Jeong-han, who was seriously injured, and Kim Woo-jin, who was dragged away in my place... I felt like I was going crazy because the three faces were all intertwined. I really missed the peaceful times of the past when we all gathered together in the room on the 23rd floor and laughed and talked.

I pressed my sore eyes with my hands and struggled to organize my thoughts.

'First of all.......'

Let's rescue Kim Woo-jin. After that, I will look into the condition of Min Ah-rin and Kwon Jeong-han... And we also need to find out the situation in the museum where the curtain has disappeared....

A sharp pain, like being stabbed by an awl, radiated from my head. My overloaded body desperately cried out for rest. I rested my forehead and frowned.

Should I at least take painkillers? If I go to rescue Kim Woo-jin and can't fight properly because of my headache.......


The sound of a knock on the bedroom door interrupted my dreary, branching thoughts.


I answered briefly. The door opened carefully and Woo Seo-hyuk came in.

"These clothes just arrived. Please change."

He held out clothes wrapped in transparent packaging. Only then did I realize that I had not changed my clothes. I smiled shyly and accepted the new clothes.

"Thank you."

"There is still time, so you can wash up. If you are injured during the fight, I have brought medicine and will take care of it."

"It's okay. There is no place that is particularly uncomfortable."

Not only was I injured, but many of my teammates were also injured. Kim Woo-jin, who was dragged away, also had a long cut on his arm the last time I saw him.

I didn't want to be the only one to wash and receive treatment when everyone was suffering. My clothes were torn and covered in dust and blood, so it would be better to change.

After hearing my answer, Woo Seo-hyuk stared at me with his characteristic expressionless face. But for some reason, I felt like Woo Seo-hyuk had something he wanted to say to me.

"Woo Seo-hyuk?"

"......After we safely rescue Kim Woo-jin."

Woo Seo-hyuk hesitated for a moment and continued speaking with eyes filled with complex emotions.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now