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After entering the room, I saw Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting on a chair, get up and stiffen my shoulders.

This. Come to think of it, if I want to sleep in Ha Tae-heon's room for a day, I have to leave Kim Woo-jin here alone.

No matter how much Ha Tae-heon and I were going to sleep, it was officially the first night, so we couldn't take Kim Woo-jin with us.

Kim Woo-jin asked me first because I couldn't bear to get closer.

"Have you been well?"

"Ah, yes."

As soon as I answered inadvertently, it became even more embarrassing. Did he have a good day? You mean marriage right?

'No, wait... Am I thinking too far ahead?'

I'm not even sure that Kim Woo-jin sees me differently than Ha Tae-heon or Cheon Sa-yeon, so why do I make assumptions and feel uncomfortable? Or what?

That's very rude. Later, when Kim Woo-jin found out that I had this kind of heart and cursed at me, I had nothing to say.

I sighed inwardly and quickly captured the complex emotions. For now, let's do what we've been doing. If we looked at Kim Woo-jin for nothing, it was obvious that we would only hurt each other's feelings.

"Did you have a good rest? Did you eat something?"

I couldn't eat properly because I went to the party after the wedding, but I was more worried about Kim Woo-jin, who would have been waiting alone in my room all day.

"Other attendants took care of it earlier, so we ate it simply."


I've never seen him get along with other attendants, but it's strange.

Come to think of it, Kim Woo-jin got along well with the physical support team members in real life too. It was nice to see that more and more people are recognizing that Kim Woo-jin is a kind and affectionate child.

"I thought you were alone all day without being able to eat, but I'm glad you did."

"Has the prince eaten?"

"I haven't eaten anything. I am not very hungry."

"You shouldn't sleep on an empty stomach, though. Shall I go and get some soup?"

"No, that's fine."

At other times, I would have gratefully accepted the soup Kim Woo-jin would bring, but I couldn't do that now.

How am I supposed to explain this? Just when I was choosing my words so Kim Woo-jin doesn't take them as strange, the attendants came knocking on my door.

"Prince, I'm here to help you get ready for the first night."

Kim Woo-jin opened his eyes wide in surprise at what the attendant standing in front of me said while bowing deeply.

'Timing is real......'

Caught between the shocked Kim Woo-jin and the attendants who sent their eyes to start preparing immediately, I shed tears inside.

What to do with this. First, I asked the attendant.

"Ready... Will it take long?"

"After cleaning the jade body, apply perfume and put on clothes. It takes about an hour."

"We will help."

"...Leave the clothes and I will take care of the rest."

After hearing my order, the attendants hesitated for a while, then left the room as ordered, putting their clothes on the table.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [2]Where stories live. Discover now