01 | Disappointments 🥀

484 14 47

(I'm trying ~ Alexander Stewart)


I fight the urge not to fidget in my seat as mother drones on and on for what feels like the millionth time this week. Lately, the lack of a diamond on my left ring finger has had her in a sour mood. Especially when she reads the tabloids. I swear they love to pry and ogle on the lives they themselves could never obtain. If they only knew how much their judgment and snide remarks shaped and molded my life, perhaps they'd be more understanding.

Every little thing has a consequence.

They make comments about Armando's daughter gaining weight. I'm put on a diet. They mention the lack of romance between Luca and I, suddenly we're having extravagant romantic dates nightly. They think I'm looking rather pale and sickly, I'm suddenly wearing pounds of makeup and posting daily positive video diaries.

It's exhausting trying to live up to their standards.

The latest tabloid has been nothing but accusing suggestions as to why why Luca and I haven't tied the knot yet. Mother has chastised me far too many times, even blamed me for Luca's reluctance to pop the question. Today isn't any different as her shrill voice echoes throughout the manor.

Three years.

For three years I've been proudly paraded around as Luca Rizzos girlfriend. I was his prize. A catch. Armandos only daughter. A "match made in heaven" as mother likes to say, or rather, a match made by my father three years ago.

Don't get me wrong. I've grown to love Luca in time, but he wasn't someone I'd have gone for if I had the choice. He seemed full of himself when we first met, egotistical to the point I'd told him to date himself. But over these last few years, I've gotten to know the real him. He is kind, gentle, and intelligent. Of course he has faults as much as anyone, but I've found myself falling for him anyway.

"I'm not getting any younger!" Mother threw her hands in the air, exasperated by my silence. "Rosie, poke holes in the condoms if you have to!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. "Baby trap him? Really, mom?"

Her face almost turns purple as she huffs and puffs in irritation. "It worked for your father!"

I grimaced. Her outburst didn't surprise me. It wasn't the first time she'd brought it up, but it's different when we're in front of people I care about.

"I'm on birth control, mom." I sigh tiredly.

"Stop taking it."

"I don't want kids right now."

She begins to huff and puff, a whole new slew of rants and arguments of why I'm wrong at the tip of her tongue. Fatigue tugs on me and I'm embarrassed to admit Destiny has had to nudge me more than once to keep me alert in this conversation. Confrontation never fails to make me feel physically and mentally drained.

Then again, all of this was just draining. I'm exhausted.

Destiny has been accompanying me as a buffer when I come for my weekly visits with my mother. If I didn't have her, I'd probably have a complete mental break down with all the pressure constantly thrown at me. Sometimes it's all just too much and without fail she knows just when to swoop in and save me from drowning. She has been at my side since we were in kindergarten, defusing and changing topics. I owe her everything for being there and for being my rock when I was barely getting by.

"Ms. Wilson, oh my god that reminds me! Have you seen the latest article about my father?" Destiny chirps suddenly, tossing her thick curls over her shoulder.

Rosie's Thorns 🥀|18+|🥀Where stories live. Discover now