23 | Blindfold

177 10 35

(⚠️ Sexual tension level 4. You were warned⚠️)

Desert Rose ~ Lolo Zouaï


I fucked up.

Hana glared at me from across the club as I nursed my drink. She knew. Rosie must have told her. Luckily, I wasn't the only one in the metaphorical doghouse. Chuck had a black eye to prove it as he sulked to my left. I didn't know whether it was from the black eye or if he'd just heard Rosie was having everyone take a mandatory drug tested.

I cast a glance at him as he chainsmokes another cigarette. He looked awful and not just from that black eye he's sporting.

I sighed as I tilted my head back to wash away the nagging feeling swirling within the pit of my stomach. I had regretted the things I'd said the moment they left my mouth. As I spoke them I'd convinced myself it was the right thing to do. I couldn't let anyone know that Rosie and I may actually have feelings. Those feelings could become a weakness. I'd said those things in the heat of the moment. I knew it was what Chuck wanted to hear and I just wanted him to shut up.

I didn't know she heard me.

I close my eyes and sigh. I'd planned on distancing myself to give her time to heal from her past and give me time to understand what the hell was going on between us. But I didn't want this kind of distance. Now that there's a wedge shoving her away from me, I realized whether this was an obsession or true feelings, I couldn't stand knowing I couldn't be around her without her guard being thrown up.

It's been three days. Three fucking days since she's spoken or glanced in my direction. We've gone to meetings and business deals together, but she doesn't acknowledge me unless it's necessary. I hadn't wanted this.

I chuckle humorously to myself. Should I grovel? Should I fucking beg for her to talk to me? Would I stoop that low?

You stooped that low to betray her trust for your own comfort.

I swallow around the sudden dryness in my mouth and throat. We just got back from a meeting with a high client. He was an investor oblivious to where his money truly went. Rosie charmed him effortlessly and I couldn't help the sudden ugly snake that twisted around me as I stood silently behind her. I believe the feeling is called Jealousy, but I didn't want admit such a defeat.

I had imagined myself putting a hole in the man's head as he reached across his desk and squeezed her hand. I imagined slicing his throat as his eyes fell to her plump breasts as she leaned forward to collect the folder from his hand. Such violent ends for a man that didn't know how dangerous of a thing it was to flirt with Rosie Costa in front of me.

I push my glass across the counter and stare ahead as the bartender pours me another.

Hoping to somehow salvage whatever I could between Rosie and I, I investigated the messages she'd received. I had tried tracing the number, but it came back to a burner phone. This Reaper fellow was slippery. I couldn't get a location, let alone a name. Whoever he was, he had an unhealthy fascination with Rosie. She had taken screenshots of their conversations and sent them to me. I thought I was obsessed, but this guy was able to get information even I didn't know he could get. I had to get a new phone after I realized some of the information I had, he'd somehow gotten his hands on. I'd taken a picture of Rizzo and Cruz in LA Vipora, but I didn't send it to anyone. It was leverage, but somehow this... Reaper had gotten his hands on it.

Rosie's Thorns 🥀|18+|🥀Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα