46 | Sacrifices

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⚠️Violence and gore. ⚠️

Love Into A Weapon ~ Magdalena Duke


She paints with the blood from her delicate fingertips. Every stroke precise and deliberate. Every scratch of her nails againat the once white canvas showing her anger as it bubbles to the surface. If I were to see the portrait, I bet she'd give me horns, claws, and red glowing eyes.

She paints me as the villain and forgets everything I'd done for her. She paints me as the devil in the story, yet she forgets she made me this way. She paints me in the shadows because she believes I'm the one that took her light. She paints herself beneath me as the victim, but she fails to ask why I'd gone to such lengths.

"Kill her." The old man had told me.

I couldn't kill her. I needed her. I wanted her. She was mine. So I spared her by breaking her. I made her weaker. I made her docile. I made her into the perfect little daughter he wanted her to be.

But how does she repay me for saving her life? She runs. She leaves. She disappears. So now we are playing a little game. A little cat and mouse. She runs. I chase. But I've grown tired of chasing a woman that doesn't want to be caught. I've already laid the trap. And there's no doubt in my mind she'll fall for it.

A bleeding heart always falls for the trap.



The drive back to New York felt longer somehow. Maybe it was because we weren't headed for Manhattan this time, but towards a warehouse deep within Bronx. Or maybe it was because it was a solid lead of my exs whereabouts. Either way, my stomach was in knots and nausea bubbled to the surface.

I wasn't ready to face him. I wasn't ready for the answers he'd give when we interrogate him. I wasn't ready for everything to come to its peak and then come crashing down in a free fall.

Luca was a threat. A threat that needed handled before we take care of everything else. If we were to even attempt to salvage or destroy the remaining parts of my mafia. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that he'd stand in the way or even get the remainder of my people onto his side. There's even a possibility that he might have already.

Kōjis men had footage of him and a few of his men squatting in an abandoned warehouse just on the outskirts of Bronx. One of my warehouses, I might add. One of the warehouses that had been ransacked and destroyed way before I was made Donna. And now that he's taken shelter there, it only amplifies the fact that he might have been behind most of the destruction and stolen goods from months prior.

I knew of what Mío had done, but the other parties involved all led back to Luca and the newly hired Russian Mafia. It only further validated that we have a rat on our hands.

A rat that's been good at hiding its tracks.

I tighten the strap to the holster that wrapped around my chest and glanced up at Dom. His jaw was taut as he loaded a magazine with a new clip and then shoved it into the bottom of the gun. It was one of many he had hidden on his person. That didn't include the knives I had seen him strap to his bare chest or the two he had stashed within his boots.

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