21 | Decisions, Decisions

145 10 25


Soft and feather-like, something brushed across my throat. My eyes flashed open in both alarm and confusion, searching the darkness of my room for whatever may have touched me. I sucked in a deep breath as fingernails gently brushed across my ribs. Slowly, as I shifted my weight and got my bearings, I remembered who was in my bed.

I waited for regret to eat at me, but it never came.

Her arm pulled herself closer to me as her nails trailed across my side lazily. As I flexed my limbs, slowly processing what was what, I realized her face was nuzzled into the crook of my neck, her body half laying on top of me, and her thighs clamped down on my hip as she clung to me.

Flexing my left hand, sharp jabs caused me to hiss. She was laying on my left arm. It had fallen asleep and now the tingles and sharp bursts of pain as I tried to regain circulation made me groan quietly.

What time is it?

Blindly feeling for my phone, I felt its edge before a loud thump disturbed the silence wrapped around us. She stirred, but didn't wake. Running my right hand down my face, I suppressed an annoyed groan. My fucking phone fell onto the floor. I could call out to Siri and ask the time, but I didn't want to chance waking up Rosie.

Glaring into the darkness, I debated my choices. I could try to get her off me and get my phone. Possibly even get up for my morning jog. Or, stay here. Flexing my left hands once more, I knew I needed to at least free my arm.

Doing my best not to disturb the pink haired woman, I rolled us until I was on my side and her on her back. She let out a soft sigh and rolled further away, freeing my arm. I flex my hand and roll my shoulder as the sharp tingles continued.

Reluctantly, I rolled to the side of the bed and felt blindly at the floor until I found the mother fucker that decided to fall. I winced as the bright screen flashed on immediately. Squinting at it, I groaned.


It was late. I should get up. I shut off my screen and stared up into the darkness as I listened to her breathe. I was exhausted. I hadn't gotten in until 7am.

I dig the heels of my palm into my eyes. What the hell had I been doing last night?

I didn't know if it was because I haven't been sleeping that great lately, or possibly losing it. But I couldn't fucking remember. I remember cleaning up the storage room...

It's a blank.

Did I drink last night?

I couldn't remember.

Sighing as I glance in Rosie's general direction. That would explain why she's here, at least. I do remember bringing her here, but I thought perhaps that it was just a dream. Apparently not.

I chance another glance at my phone. A few updates from Chuck and Hana, a media report from Gabriel, but nothing that needed immediate attention.

It wouldn't hurt... to stay a little longer.

Tossing my phone behind me as I roll over, I felt the mattress until my fingers grazed her spine. Tiredly I scooted closer until I could wrap an arm around her and pull her to me. She groaned in annoyance from being disturbed as I cradled her to my body. As soon as my nose pressed to her hair, I felt her stretch her limbs and scoot closer to me. Small fingers wrapped around the hand I had pressed against her stomach. I hummed in content as she sighed happily in her sleep.

This felt right.

I'd wanted to try to get more sleep, but as I lied in the darkness with the comfort of her body pressed to my front, it never came. Instead my head spun as I recalled our time in the darkness of that old storage room. It could possibly change our dynamic, but I didn't know how just yet.

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