07 | Snakes 🥀

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Sleep didn't come to me. Not even as I curled and hid beneath my comforter with my AC blasting as background noise. I felt trapped. Trapped in my room, afraid to face Destiny again, afraid to face Luca, and especially terrified of facing my mothers cruel words.

Was someone fucking with me?

Was Luca cheating on me?

Was Destiny the other woman?

Questions swirled within my head, shouting and muttering endlessly. I needed answers. I needed to know what was real and what was nothing but lies. A heaviness weighed on my chest- a heaviness I couldn't push off or find relief from. It's planted itself on my chest cavity and slowly begun to crush me.

A faint pain pulses behind my eyes as I stare into the darkness of my room. Rays of light peek through my thick curtains and flutter across the fluffy red carpet beneath my bed. I didn't care what time it was. I didn't care that I should get up and post something positive on my social media. I'd turned off my phone last night. I ignored Destiny when she knocked on my door and asked if I was coming to work today.

Tears brimmed my lashes as I snuggled deeper beneath the comforter, seeking some sort of comfort from the emotional tidal waves threatening to drown me. I didn't need that job. It was my way of finding control in my life. My way of earning something by myself. I made enough from my social media and the portion I'd gotten in my fathers Will to quit if I wanted. Working for Destiny's father would just put a bitter taste in my mouth.

Swallowing harshly, I glanced towards the black device sitting on the nightstand beside me. He hurt me. She hurt me. It was no longer a matter of if they'd betrayed me, but a matter of how long. I'd had all night to piece everything together and all this morning to come to terms with it.

Now I was painfully numb. It ached, yet I couldn't say I felt anything for either of them anymore. Our memories were only that- memories. Our pasts were painted in red for betrayal, stained and unrecognizable to even myself.

I felt stupid- stupid for the fact that it had gone on for so long right in front of my eyes. Stupid for the fact that there were so many times it was blatantly obvious something was going on between them. Stupid because I should have known.

Stupid because I had trusted them.

A small burst of anger coiled in the pit of my stomach, slowly crawling up to painfully squeeze my heart. They made me look foolish, naive- weak. They weren't allowed to do that to me. No one was allowed to... not again, not ever.

They will pay.

I slowly sat up with my eyes locked on my phone. They'll pay.

I shoved away the comforter, suddenly hot and irritated as I scooped up my phone from my nightstand. They want me to pretend and play my part? Then they'd get it. I'd play the clueless friend and girlfriend.

They've fucked up.

I powered up my phone and ignoring the multiple text messages and missed phone calls, I opened the contact for the Unknown Number. He'd sent me two messages last night, along with four pictures of Destiny and Luca together. Holding hands in a restaurant, groping in the street, their naked bodies intertwined together in front of her large bedroom window, and one in a night club smashing their lips against each others.

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