28 | Torture

166 9 41

(⚠️Blood and Gore. Torture. You were warned.⚠️)

Seven ~ Natalie Jane


Oh my god, my fucking back!

I groaned silently as I sat up. Even my neck was cramped. I hate this fucking couch- sofa, whatever the fuck it is.

I stretch and cringe as my bones pop and muscles tense. The room was dimly lit by the bedside lamp as I glanced around groggy. Dominic was out cold, his face lax as it tilted towards me. He looked younger like this.

I give myself a few minutes to get my bearings as multiple yawns escape me. The events of the Charity Ball and its aftermath wasn't lost on me. I shook my head as I stretched out my legs tiredly.

Shit! Where's my phone? I looked around me for a moment, but I couldn't even recall having it with me when we got home. I must have either left it in the car or at City Hall. I'd have to have someone find it for me. With the things I have planned for today, I won't have time to look for it.

I felt old as I pushed myself up from the sofa. My feet ached, my spine still tense and stiff from where I slept, and my head hurt like a bitch when I prodded the tender spot on the back of my head. Immediately I hobbled forward to take a peek at his digital clock.

4:22 a.m.

Early bird gets the worm, right? I fucking hate that saying. The fucking early bird is a psycho. Early mornings make me feel like death ran me over in his truck multiple times, then set my body on fire for good measure.

Suppressing another round of jaw-breaking yawns, I pull open his bedroom door and reluctantly drag my feet down the hall. To my surprise, I found Chuck in the living room passed out on the leather couch. And I thought where I slept was bad. He's going to hurt like a bitch when he wakes up.

After taking a shower in my bathroom and getting dressed for the day, I still didn't feel awake enough for this shit. I opted for an old pair of sweats and a ratty t-shirt. Why did a gunman have to show up and ruin the evening. All that hard work was wasted. Then the fucker shot Dom. I glower at the thought as I grab my handgun and shove my feet into a pair of steel toed boots. Dont want to get my good shoes dirty.

I trudge back down the hall and head for the kitchen. Maybe if I wake Chuck up with a cup of coffee I can get him to have someone find my phone. As I sluggishly flick on the ceiling light, I stop mid-step in surprise. On the counter was my phone, wallet, and a plate of food from the Charity Ball. Beside it was a note.

I shuffle forward and take a peek at the paper.


I smile, despite the ache in my spine as I turn to the coffee maker. Maybe I don't have to wake up Chuck after all-

"It's too fucking early. Why are you awake?" A husky voice whined.

I almost dropped the coffee container when I practically jumped out of my skin. My head whipped to the door and I glared at him.

"Chuck, make your presents fucking known first. I almosted pissed myself."

He stiffled a yawn and groaned as he ran his hands down his face. "M'sorry, but that didn't answer why you're awake at 4am."

I sigh as I scoop coffee into the machine. "I have to check on the guests that attended, speak to Gabriel about what he'll be saying to the press, and I have a man to torture." I tilt my head as an afterthought came to me. Speaking of torture. "Also, I want to know who invited Cruz and Rizzo to my event."

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