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⚠️ Sexual themes ⚠️

Desert Rose - Lolo Zouaï (slowed/reverb)


The tiny gems embedded in my wedding band twinkle beneath the colorful flashing lights as music pulsed from the speakers. I admire them with a flutter in my stomach.

I'm married.

I have been for a week and it still doesn't feel real. I'm on cloud nine waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no other shoe, yet I can't help but worry this blissful sensation I've been feeling will be short lived. I take another sip of my Strawberry Seagrams to deter my thoughts.

Instead of staying in like originally planned and packing, Hana invited us to La Vipora for one last hurrah before our plane takes off. As a gift Hana bought Dominic and I tickets to fly out for three weeks to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. A place Dominic hasn't been to since he was a child.

I watch with a smile as Dominic and Hana dance to the quick rhythm of a bachata song. I wasn't familiar with the song, but Dominic and Hana were. I just knew it was bachata. Their feet glide across the dance floor without falter, their movements fluid and beautiful. I could dance, but they put me to shame as they spun and swiveled their hips to the quick beat.

Slowly, I was beginning to relax and find comfort in our new lifestyle. For now there were no hits, there were no schemes, and most importantly, we were free. My nails strum against the long neck of the bottle as I look around the club. It was packed. It reminded me of the day Hana led me into the private VIP room just beneath us. Where all I had was my senses to rely on as Dominic touched and kissed my body as he worshipped every inch of me.

My hand moves to pull down on short red bodycon dress I'd decided to wear. It barely covered my ass and my boobs were about to burst from the top of I leaned forward too far. I'd worn it for Dominic. The soft moan he made when he first saw me walk out of our bedroom had wiped away any regret I might be feeling now. It hugged me in ways that left little to the imagination. Exactly what I wanted.

I felt a flutter at the thought as my eyes snapped back to Dominic. His hand was on Hanas hip as they swayed their hips in sync. Perhaps feeling my gaze, his mocha eyes lifted and settled on me with a dark promise. My heart stuttered in its rhythm. It's been months since his gaze has held such raw lust and flaming desire. I couldn't breathe until his eyes finally snapped away from me as Hana said something to him.

We haven't had sex since that tiny house in Townsend. Whether because I was afraid of the act itself or because he was worried he'd trigger me, I wasn't sure. A combo of the two, maybe. But as I watched his hips move and his biceps flex, I felt that familiar tug of desire and anticipation. I thought I'd lost it. His gaze, lazy and heated, flashes towards me just as I stand from our booth. They say when you want something, you sieze the moment. I raise the bottle towards him and then disappear into the crowd. As slip into the familiar hall and pull open the door, I can feel his gaze burning into me. I take each step slow as I descend down the narrow staircase.

I knew he'd follow. Whether from curiosity or burning temptation, I knew it would be the latter. As I stepped off the last step, my eyes surveyed the empty room. Everything  was the same as that night. The bed. The shelves filled with toys and candles. The chair.

My pulse spiked as ghost like fingers, a faint memory of that night, coasted up my thighs as his rugged breaths tickled my ear. I could feel the heat spreading through my cheeks as I traced my fingertips along the red cushioned arm of the highbacked chair. I heard the door above shut and the distinct click of the lock. My breathing was erratic, but not out of fear. The memory was intense. The dim lighting and the faint scent of lilacs and his cologne wasn't helping.

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