34 | Mío

96 8 16

Power ~ Isak Danielson (slowed & reverb)


Her head tilted back exposing her porcelain throat as she sighed in her sleep. Three hours into the trip she had reclined her seat as far as it would go and then attempted for a solid fifteen minutes to get comfortable. I glanced back at her through the rear-view mirror periodically, observing her as she shifted in her sleep or woke to look around herself before drifting back to unconsciousness.

It was one of those moments I chanced a glance back at her, when I noticed her brows bunch together as she shifted anxiously in her sleep. Then, ever so slowly, she relaxed again. The steady rise and fall of her chest, for some reason, brought me relief. Her features lax, her plump pink lips parted, she was bissfuly unaware.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Her voice called me from my observations. Slowly I tore my gaze away from her and looked to the tall woman beside me. Her grey eyes flickered between me and the road as she flexed her long fingers around the steering wheel. "Reaper, isn't it?"

I didn't respond.

She stopped at a red light and turned her face towards me completely. She studied me as I did her. Dark circles shadowed beneath her eyes as she let out a tired sigh. Her black thick hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck, but a few wisps curled around her ears and temples.

"If you hurt her. I'll kill you."

My brows shot up as I fought back a grin. "Ever so trustful, hmm?"

"I'm inclined to go by what I see. So far it doesn't look so good for you, bud." She eyed me warily. "Why did you do what you did?" The question was rushed, desperate for an answer.

We both looked ahead as the light turned green. I mulled over her question quietly as she accelerated once more. I could answer. I could tell her my reasons. The same reasons Dominic himself secretly craves to take action to.

"Revenge. Retribution. Retaliation. Take your pick."

"Against Armando?"

"Against the whole fucking bloodline."

She visibly stiffened in her seat. "Rosie-"

"Is safe."

"How can I trust that? She's a Costa."

"Only by paper." I muse as I steal another glance back at her. "Her blood isn't."

Hana fell into her thoughts for a few minutes, attempting to decipher this information on her own. After realizing she was clueless, she grunted. "And what the hell does that mean? Armando isn't her father?"


Her head whipped in my direction, the shock evident on her face. "Her mother cheated?"


This only irritated her more. She let out a low growl under her breath. "Does Rosie know?"

I hesitate. Did she know? "That... I'm uncertain of. That only she can answer."

Hana nibbled on her bottom lip as she looked back at the road. "Do we tell her?"

Once again, I hesitate. I chance another glance at the sleeping woman, I shake my head. "I'll tell her."


"I was going to tell her soon." I turned my attention back to Hana, meeting her worried eyes head on. "I've been taking care of her for awhile now. But now you suddenly don't trust me?"

Rosie's Thorns 🥀|18+|🥀Where stories live. Discover now