22 | Spiraling

131 8 40

(⚠️ Mild violence and gore⚠️ )


I woke alone. For the first time in years I'd slept peacefully, but I couldn't help but feel bitter as I stretched out my limbs and realized Dominic was no where in sight. A frown tugged on my lips, yet I knew I couldn't expect anything from him.

Slowly everything came back to me. The storage room, his confession of his rose tattoos, then the messages. A knot coiled in the pit of my stomach as I frantically threw the comforter away from me and crawled towards the edge of the bed. I didn't know where I'd put my phone, but I needed to tell Dominic.

Once I could find a light switch, I searched for my phone until I found it in the crumpled comforter. I hadn't remembered carrying it to his bed with me. Was I that tired?

Immediately I opened the texts between myself and the self proclaimed Reaper. It made me nauseous staring at them. The Reapers final words didn't do anything to make me feel better. I wasn't his target anymore, apparently. But this is coming from a cold hearted killer thats been apparently stalking me for god knows how long.

Dominic. I need to tell Dominic.

Hurrying out of the room, I almost didn't hear the voices coming from the living room. I could hear the husky murmur of Dominic and another voices that was somewhat familiar. Hesitating, I took slow and cautious steps down the hall until I was within hearing distance, but hidden deep enough within the hall to not be seen.

"We should just skip the whole shit show." His matter-of-fact tone had me stiffening. Chuck. "Why even wait for her to fuck up? Just cut to the chase and have the people vote her out. We'll do much better under your guidance than hers. I'll admit, she seems... nice. But nice won't cut it in this world. Do we even know if she can hold her own in actual life or death circumstances? If something were to happen, would we have a damsel in distress situation? We can't afford that, Rivera."

My body straightened and my teeth snapped shut in rage. What right does he have to judge me? I've been nice because I wanted to fucking gain their trust. Do they want me to lead with an iron fist as my father had? I was trying to do better. Lead in my own way and ease my way in.

"Chuck..." Dominic sighed in annoyance. "I understand your hurting, but-"

"This has nothing to do with that!" Chuck snapped, his voice hoarse. "This is about our future! This is about how she could literally fucking obliterate everything we've all worked hard for! Just because you want to fuck her doesn't mean we should have to deal with a spoiled brat running the show!"

"Chuck..." Dominic warned.

Hope bubbled up in my chest. Hope that he'd defend me.

"Dont deny it. Hana herself can see it! And you know how cold-hearted of a bitch she is to emotions."

I swallowed as my hands clamped around my phone. It made me sick how he could talk about Hana like that. Hana has been supportive and nothing but kind to me.

"I don't want her!" Dominic's voice boomed suddenly. My heart. It stopped. I froze as his words slowly wrapped around me. He didn't want me. Why did my chest tightened and rejection slap my in the face so brutally? "Why would I want to be with a Costa? I'm doing my duties purely for Armando. He made me promise to protect his most prized daughter. It was his dying wish! I am doing everything in my power to carry out his wishes. Are you judging Armando's orders?"

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