58 | Facing Monsters

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⚠️ Violence and blood.⚠️

You Can Run - Adam Jones

《¤Luca ¤》

Her screeching is annoying. My fingers dig into her throat as I grit my teeth and glower down at the small plump woman. Her dark skin turns paler the longer she's deprived of oxygen, the blood vessels bursting in both of her fearful eyes.

She knew death was coming. And just like all of them, she fought desperately. It's not until I wrap my arm around her neck and give a sharp yank does she finally shut up. I felt the bone snap and heard the sharp exhale as her body fell limp in my arms.

I let her body drop to the floorboards as I pick up her drivers license once more and turn it over.

Nevaeh Jones.

She'd seen her. She knew where she'd been. She took care of her. She saved my Rosie. Sadly, that signed her death in my eyes. She might not have taken her from me, but she helped her get strong enough to escape me fully. I've already killed the doctors assigned to her. None of them could tell me where she could have gone.

Not until sweet little big hearted Nevaeh. Offer her a drink or two and she's an open book. A man came for my Rosie and there was no doubt in my mind it was Rivera.

This time Rivera won't escape his consequences. My little puppet thinks he can just abandon orders. I created the Reaper. I awakened a part of him her didn't know was there. Then he has enough audacity to runaway with the woman I love. His only job was to kill off the Costa men, install Rosie as the Donna, and then I'd marry her and become Don of two great Mafias. My plans are falling through all thanks to Dominic himself. Somehow he's subdued the monster I created.

My heart hammered against my ribs as anger coiled within my chest. I stared at the dead woman as heat bubbled up to the surface within my body. A scream erupted from out of my throat as I threw her useless drivers license away from me.

The Reaper doesn't have his phone anymore. It was the only way I could trigger him. One call. One word. And the Reaper would appear and do my bidding for me. Getting Rivera hypnotized in the first place was hard all on its own, but to have his alternate personality go rogue?

My fingers curl into a tight fist as I pant. I was lucky. I hadn't known Rivera had DID when I had him hypnotized for Armando. And even luckier to find out neither Rivera nor Armando were aware. The Reaper was dormant, a quiet personality that had shown up possibly a handful of times. Armando had Rivera hypnotized after he found out his daughter and Rivera had feelings for each other. It was his way of controlling Rivera. Little did Armando know was that I had a leash tightly wrapped around the Reapers throat. He might have had control over River, but I had the Reaper.

A smile spread across my lips as I chuckled to myself. When I find Rivera, I'll put an end to him permanently. The Reaper will take care of him and that assassin he has on his beck and call. Rosie will see who the true monster is.

I pluck a handkerchief from my pocket and wipe the blood from my hands as I step over the body. There's only so far Rosie can get. My guess would be she's somewhere in New York again. Her lovely assassin would know where to find her, I'm sure.

I wave my hand at one of the Russians their Don, Alek Rostov, had leant me for the time being. Like the dumb obedient dog he was, he immediately stepped out of formation and sprinted ahead to get the helicopter ready. In a few hours I'd be in New York and have Hana Aoki in my custody. I've heard about her, even from Rostov himself. I've heard she's been recently betrothed to Kietaro Gushiken. I'm sure when his father Taiki Gushiken and Kōji Aoki hear of her kidnapping, they'd gladly give over Rosie to save their precious possession.

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